53. We're Coming

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[Alberts Pov]

This feeling it felt really familiar to me, it didn't feel sad nor bad but just blissful calm to me. I slowly opened my eyes, but then what I saw wasn't the dark surrounded around me anymore.

It is different, it is bright as well, how did I end up here? I remember falling asleep on my bed, not in this place. How the hell did I end up here? I clearly knew where I am, just confused why am I here?

It is the place where I always take Selozar in the park, I always spend time with him by the tree. I'm assuming it's the thing I'm leaning my back against, it didn't feel uncomfortable though. I always thought it did.


"Albert?.. Are you still awake?.."

"..Wake up.."

I heard a familiar voice call out to be. Their voice just made me feel extremely happy all of a sudden. I didn't knew what was going on but I just responded back to them. "Hello? Who is it?" The voice made a small little joyful giggle that I adored after.

"Albert, stop messing around with me."

I hear the voice say. I wasn't playing around though, I didn't knew what to say now. I'm really am confused, I am supposed to be back home. What happened? This is sorta creepy, but at the same time it didn't feel like it was.

"It's me Selozar, you fell asleep."

I slowly looked up because I knew I needed to, and saw bright light shining behind him. It really is Selozar. How? This can't be possible, how in the world is he even here right now? What is happening, I'm really lost and confused, what's going on. Should I ask him something about it?

"I'm really glad you're awake, it almost felt like you were not here with me."

Selozar said to me and just kept on looking down at me having a little smile he always had. That all couldn't have been a nightmare, it just couldn't be. What's going on? I don't want to ask and creep him out if it really was all a dream. Though I need to because I'm just so lost, has nothing really happened. "Selozar? What happened yesterday?"

He didn't respond to my question, he just stood in silence staring at me like he didn't hear me. I needed an answer out of this, something is definitely off. "What happened yesterday?" I asked again looking into his eyes, I really needed some explanation out of this.

"I don't remember Albert,"

He finally responded to me but he sorta raised his voice a little, and that wasn't a proper answer that could help me out. Has it all really been a nightmare the whole time? Nothing bad at all happened over the week? I'm actually safe with Selozar right now, that's a huge relief! Though I couldn't help to stop thinking something is really off.

"Albert, are you okay? You look scared all of a sudden."

Selozar suspected something of me, I wasn't gonna be fully honest and expose what I dreamt about. "Oh it's nothing, just had a little nightmare. Nothing so bad." I responded, I felt the grass on my hands, it felt real. Though this feeling that something is off wouldn't stop pestering me.

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