I. Sweet Child O'Mine

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Date: March 27, 1986

Current time: 11:11 AM (Holly is born at 11:13)

Dean sat drumming his hands on the chair. He was bored of waiting, and he didn't want to read the magazines the hospital offered. Sam was seated at one of the tables with a Batman coloring book. "Hey, Dean."

Dean met his little brother's eyes. "What, Sammy?"

Sam twirled the crayon in his chubby hand and frowned. "Is Mom gonna be okay?"

Dean laughed and one look from Sam made him realize his brother was serious. "Yeah, of course she will, Sammy."

Sam pursed his lips. "Billy said that Mom's gonna die."

"Is it cause his mom died?"

Sam nodded and Dean smiled at Sam. "Mom's gonna be okay, Sam. The new baby is gonna fine too. Okay?"

"Okay." Sam agreed, resuming his coloring.

John walked into the room and smiled at his sons. "Hey, boys. How would you like to meet your new sister?"

Dean's eyes brightened. "We have a sister?"

Sam's reaction was incredibly different. "A girl? Girls have cooties, dad."

John laughed. "If you say so Sam, but your sister and your mom don't."

The boys followed John into the hospital room and Mary smiled at her sons. "Boys, this is your sister Holly Mary."

Dean crept closer to the small girl in the pink blanket. Mary held the baby to him, sensing Dean wanted to hold her.

Before Dean held his sister, John had him sit in the chair in the hospital room. He leaned back and remembered holding Sam when he was a baby.

John gently took his daughter from Mary and placed her in Dean's arms. He stroked her platinum blonde hair softly and said, "Hi, Holly. I'm your big brother Dean. Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to you. I'll protect you."

Holly let out a tiny yawn and she fell asleep. Dean studied his sister. She's so beautiful. Like Mom. She looks like Mom.

John took Holly from Dean before giving her to Sam. Dean frowned a moment. He didn't like the idea of letting her go. He liked the protective older brother feeling he got when he held her. He promised himself that if he could stop any threats, he would. He didn't want anything or anyone to hurt his little sister.

Eight months later, November 2, 1986

Holly had just started crawling, meaning the house had to be baby-proofed, otherwise she would be in everything.

Mary looked up the stairs and called, "Dean?"

He ran to meet his mom. "Yeah?"

"I'm going to run a few quick errands. Can you watch your sister for me? She's already eaten and her naptime is in 15 minutes. I'll be back in a half hour."

Dean nodded. "Sure, Mom. Sam can help me if I need it."

"If you don't think you can handle it, you can call your dad."

"I can do it, Mom."

Mary nodded. "Okay, see you soon, boys."

Little did the seven-year-old and four-year-old boys know, they would never see their mother again.

Dean looked down as a small yawn caught his attention. Holly was falling asleep in his arms. He cradled his little sister like he'd seen his mom do, and soon, her breaths evened.

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