Server Enemy No.1

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[World] Flowertalk Beauty : [clearwest, is there something wrong with your head?! who told you it was fine to just go blabber about the City War?!]

The moment Shi Sheng opened her eyes, she felt like she was going to go blind from the large flashing bolded words on the screen.

'A game?' She looked at the character on the screen. The name "Clearwest" was hovering above it. 'Oh hells! It's a gaming novel!'

[World] Snowfall Undermoon : [inner conflicts ah! serves u right for losing the city war and going on world chat to cry about it.]

[World] Skyblue : [Undermoon, don't stir things up! This has nothing to do with you! And Beauty, boss told you to get off world chat.]

[World] Windsong Undermoon : [come on, just admit you lost. stop finding excuses for losing... never thought drunkflower den would be this kind of drunkflower den...]

[World] Just Watching Shows : [What's going on?]

[World] Green Flower On Sauerkraut : [Yet another drama unfolding on world chat. Must watch!]

[World] Autumnfrost : [Just logged on & noticed Drunkflower Den lost the City war! WTF!]

[World] Flowertalk Beauty : [We aren't even allowed to talk about what she did?]

[World] Call Me Profiteer : [Buying Heavenly Mystery Crystals! Please sell it if you have it!!!]

[World] Call Me Profiteer : [Buying Heavenly Mystery Crystals! Please sell it if you have it!!!]

[World] Breaking News : [*ahem* Greetings everyone. Allow me to give you an update. At 8pm, Drunkflower Den lost their garrison rights over Luoyang City. Apparently someone leaked information about their deployments. For those who want to know more, please pay attention to the messages in this chat.]

[World] Wind-walking The World : [clearwest, don't play dead! say something!]

[World] iF@q : [Profiteer is still this professional even at this time. As expected of a profiteer!]

[PM] Wooden Bellz : [Clearwest-jie, hurry up and say something! They're all saying you betrayed Drunkflower Den but I believe that you would never do this kind of thing! Hurry up and explain it to them!]

[PM] Skyblue : [Clearwest, what's going on? Hurry up and go to the YY group to explain.]

Shi Sheng clicked on all the private messages she received. They were either scolding and cursing her or questioning her. Though there were those like Wooden Bellz who supported her.

Shi Sheng rubbed her chin for a moment, completely clueless as to what was going on.

Her biggest priority right now was understanding the setting, so the first thing she did was scan her surroundings. She was in a room that gave off a feeling of warmth, and it seemed to belong to the person whose body she was using.

After making sure it was safe, she began going over the setting.

This was a gaming novel. The female lead/main character was Sang Yu. As with all other gaming novels, the starting of this one was melodramatic as well. The female lead's love interest cheated on her. Her reputation was tainted, and she was abandoned.

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