Zombie Empire

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"She's fevering, we can't bring her with us. They said people who are feverish will turn into zombies! What if she turns into a zombie while we bring her along?"

"But she's our daughter..."

"Aunt, there's no time, we have to hurry!"

"Eh, alright, let's go."

Shi Sheng listened to them speak in a state of semi-stupor. Her head was heavy and muddled; basically, she wasn't feeling great. She wanted to open her eyes but fell back into darkness.

After an indeterminate length of time, the sound of a heavy object dragging on the floor could be heard getting closer...

An unbearable rotting stench assaulted her nostrils.


A high-pitched meow rang out and jerked Shi Sheng out of her stupor. Her eyes snapped open and she saw a dark shadow pouncing towards her, its sharp claws pressed against her shoulder.

In the small amount of light present, Shi Sheng could make out an ashen-green face that had half rotted away. One of its eyes had fallen out. Its mouth opened wide as it lunged for her neck.

'Fuck, a zombie! Is it really okay to get a hardcore level the moment I enter?! I'm going to develop psychological issues!'

Shi Sheng grabbed the pillow on the bed to block the zombie's mouth. Her body was currently lacking in strength. The zombie's mouth had already made its way directly to the front of her face. A cool liquid dripped on her face. It smelt horrible.

'Your mom, you're testing my patience!'

"Huh huh!"

'Huh huh your head!' Shi Sheng kicked the zombie in the belly, causing it to tilt. The cool liquid flowed into Shi Sheng's mouth. There wasn't any strange taste though it was particularly cold. She felt like she was going to freeze.

It spread too quickly for Shi Sheng to react. The zombie clambered back up with more grunts as it once again lunged towards its prey. Without sparing any time to think about what it was she had just eaten, Shi Sheng flipped over and fell onto the ground. The zombie landed on the bed and then began crawling instinctively towards Shi Sheng.

Shi Sheng shook her body as she hurriedly stood up. Her gaze swept over her sides quickly. On her left was a chest that wasn't too big. She rushed over, grabbed it and began smashing it down on the zombie's head.

The zombie continued grunting. With every hit Shi Sheng landed on it, it continued to make "huh huh" noises, as if it was cheering her on.

'This dumb zombie.'

Shi Sheng tossed the chest aside as she looked at the now-still zombie. She shook her sore hand. 'This body's damn weak!'

Taking a few heavy breaths, Shi Sheng rubbed her rumbling tummy. She ignored looking at the plot and headed outside... to look for food!

'I'm(bbb) going to starve to death if I(bbb) don't eat something!'

The door was wide open. There was blood tracked all over the place, which looked like it had been caused by zombies. From where she was standing, she was just able to make out a zombie heading towards her. Shi Sheng hurriedly shut the door. The noise further attracted the zombie, since it started scratching at the door.

Rummaging through the place, Shi Sheng only managed to find two packets of biscuits. After barely filling her stomach, she finally began to take a look at the original storyline and this body's memories.

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