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By the time Ji Xiaoyu left the hospital ward, her mind had become muddled. She didn't dare to go see Bei Ze. Instead, she returned home.

Ji Xiaoyu and her father had moved. Though it wasn't to a mansion, it was still in a fairly high-class neighbourhood.

When Ji Xiaoyu returned, she discovered a woman's undergarments strewn around the living room. Strange noises came from her father's room.

Her eyes were red as she slammed open the door. "What are you doing?!"

Ji Xiaoyu's sudden return made Papa Ji jump in fright, and the woman beneath him screamed, covering herself with the blankets. It left Papa Ji in an awkward situation with his manhood exposed and erect in front of his daughter.

He hurriedly snatched a pillow to cover himself before saying, embarrassed and guilty, "Xiaoyu, how come you're back?"

'Isn't it Wednesday today?'

Ji Xiaoyu hadn't told her father that she had been going on a field trip, and the academy, of course, wouldn't take the time to notify the parent of an unimportant student.

"You told me you'd never have any woman other than my mom! Then what's this?!" Ji Xiaoyu screamed, teetering on the edge of a breakdown.

'At mom's funeral, he had sworn he'd never take any other woman!

But now? What do I see?!'


Ji Xiaoyu viciously glared at the woman on the bed. Without warning, she leapt to pull at the woman's hair and start hitting her. "Slut, you seduced my dad! It's for his money, isn't it?! You're doing this to seduce my dad! See if you'll still come out to seduce people..."

Ji Xiaoyu's sudden attack had stunned the woman, but she quickly retaliated.

The woman was clearly an experienced {cat} fighter. She fought back at Ji Xiaoyu even if it meant giving up on covering herself.

Papa Ji stood at the side, attempting to pull one or the other away but failing to pull either.

The woman straddled Ji Xiaoyu and pinned her to the ground, slapping her twice. "Dare to hit me! You think I'm that easy to bully?!"

After she had finished hitting Ji Xiaoyu, the woman got up. Without even putting her clothes back on, she looked at Papa Ji's bottom half. She said in disdain, "Like I'd want a fellow this useless!"

Papa Ji's face went green, feeling as if she had just trampled over his pride as a man. "Get out!"

The woman snorted coldly. "What? Not paying up after you've had your fuck? As for that price we'd agreed on before, I'm adding an additional 3,000 for medical fees since your daughter hit me."

Papa Ji's face remained green as he drew a stack of money from a drawer at the side. He simply handed it over to the woman without even counting. "Take it and get out!"

After the woman counted the proper amount, she tossed the extra on the ground and strode away in her high heels—though not before saying, "I don't care for the extra."

Laying on the bed, Ji Xiaoyu sobbed and vented all of the humiliation and grief she had experienced today.


Why do I always have to be the one suffering?! Just what have I done wrong?!'


Ji Xiaoyu suddenly sat up, her hair in a mess. After glaring at Papa Ji, she ran back to her room. Papa Ji was a bit depressed. 'I've been busy with work for so many years, and never had any time to do things like this. But now that I have money, why can't I relax a bit?'

side character transmigration: the final boss is no jokeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ