Chapter 23

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In the weeks following the wedding and coronation, Conrad and Elsa went straight into the formalities of being a king and queen, responding to their duties. And since they were both firstborn, they were very well used to this, they knew their responsibilities and they handled them well.

However, it wasn't long before their ever-persistent council asked the big question.

"Your majesties," their Prime Minister began during one meeting. Everyone at the table looked up from their papers, "forgive the intrusive question, I know you've only been married for two months, but I believe the council all would like to know when you both plan on bearing an heir to the throne." There was an awkward pause as both Conrad and Elsa glanced at each other.

"Erm... why do you ask this now?" Conrad asked. The Prime Minister quickly rushed to explain his thoughts and feelings on the situation. After he was done, Elsa rubbed her temples.

"Prime Minister, I appreciate the concern about... my clock ticking, but, I want to focus on my family and the kingdom first before my husband and I choose to have a child together. I'm simply not ready for such a step."

The secretary of foreign trade, Harold, sighed.

"Her late majesty Iduna didn't have Queen Elsa until she was 26." The other secretaries nodded in agreement, "and unlike the English or the Americans, we have no need to start big families so soon anymore." Conrad covered his mouth to hide his laugh at the not-so-subtle pass. Harold, being the secretary of foreign trade, had been to all of the countries and the kingdom's Arendelle was allied with, so he had gained experience and knowledge about them. He particularly enjoyed making passes about the Americans from time to time.

"Even still, all that is asked is that you two think about it." Elsa was very tempted to contradict the Prime Minister with that after her, Anna was next in line. If she and Conrad didn't have children of their own, then Anna's eventual children (and Elsa was very well aware Anna wanted a big family of her own someday), would then inherit the throne. She knew her council knew that very well, but she also knew they wanted their queen herself to bear a child of her own.

She was eternally grateful once the meeting was finally over. She felt like she could breathe again, and Conrad noticed her relax.

"You okay there?" She groaned.

"Just a bit irritated with the questions about us having a child." Conrad frowned, he knew how she felt, whenever they saw their council members outside the meeting room, sometimes they'd stop him to chit chat and stuff, and the mentions of an heir would be thrown in there. Conrad definitely wanted children someday, but he wanted to have them when Elsa was ready.

"I am too. We haven't been married for very long, there's no need to rush anything until you're ready." And he meant that.

Later that day, Conrad was sent to meet with Arendelle's guards. He'd been wanting to really get to know them since he was practically one of the men back home. Based on previous interactions with them, they all seemed good-hearted and had a great sense of humor.

Garret, one of the knights, in particular, was an entertaining lad. He was one of the more rambunctious knights who just liked to have a good time. Conrad was told he could usually be found in the passageways below the castle playing cards or in one of the taverns in town.

"Get him drunk, he's hilarious when's drunk." Conrad heard.

Within an hour of meeting them, Conrad and all the guards clicked and got along incredibly well. Conrad hadn't expected it to happen so fast, but he alluded it to his personal experience. Already Conrad felt that he could trust these men no matter the circumstances.

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