Chapter 1

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A knock interrupted Elsa's train of thought as she toiled on paperwork to other kingdoms, with it being early fall, Arendelle was preparing for harvests and thus trading goods would be booming. She blinked and looked to the door.

"Come in." Kai, the head servant to the castle, entered, making a quick bow.

"Your majesty, the prince of Hjallanes is here," Kai announced to Elsa. She smiled and stood up.

"Thank you, Kai, inform him I'll be meeting him in the council room."

"Yes, your majesty." Kai bowed again and left, closing the double doors behind him. Elsa sighed. It was a meeting to establish and discuss trades with a new kingdom. The kingdom of Hjallanes, in the land of Denmark, to the south of Arendelle. She knew a little bit about the royal family there; king and queen with four children, three boys and one girl, and she was about to meet their heir, their eldest son. She was understandably nervous to meet him, but she had hopes that the meeting would go well. She was always informed about royals visiting from other kingdoms so she wouldn't appear to be ignorant. A simple precaution, one of her advisors had said.

She quickly fixed her dress and hair, making sure she looked decent before making her way down with Gerda by her side. Her mother's handmaid was smiling broadly.

"What're you smiling so widely for?" Elsa asked, beginning to smile herself. Gerda chuckled.

"Some of the female servants are giggling about how attractive the prince is." Elsa raised an amused eyebrow.

"Is that right?" Gerda nodded.

"Quite. I've never seen them so giddy before." Gerda led her to the council room where she opened the door for Elsa. She thanked Gerda and bid her off.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting-" Elsa began as she entered. She turned and saw a strikingly handsome young man suddenly stand up from his seat at the long table and straighten himself up. He had fair skin, pleasant blue-green eyes, and dark brown hair. His smile was warm and friendly, and his eyes had a certain twinkle to them. He wore comfortable dark gray pants and a dark blue button-down tunic with embroidery on the edges, with gold buttons and epaulets. He wore a deep red crossbody sash fasted with a gold pin, and his black boots were finely polished.

He stood up and bowed when she came in and gave her a pleasant smile.

"Your majesty." He said, and Elsa was taken aback by his smooth, deep voice. Behind him, a man slightly older also bowed, dirty blonde hair, intense blue eyes, and a sharp nose. Perhaps the prince' advisor?

"Oh, thank you." He straightened up again, "and what's your name?" She asked.

"Conrad. Prince Conrad." He replied. She smiled.

"A pleasure to officially meet you, Conrad." After the formalities, the pair sat down along with Elsa's and Conrad's advisors and several council members to discuss the trades between their kingdoms.

As they spoke, Elsa couldn't help but be a little caught up with how handsome Conrad was. She normally never paid attention to the looks of other princes that came to visit Arendelle. She didn't know why he was different, perhaps it was the aura he gave off? He sat across from her, one leg crossed upon the other and intertwined hands resting on his abdomen, he was trying to be comfortable, pulling at his collar a little bit. She bit back a smile as she answered a few questions and asked her own.

In the middle of their conversation, the door opened, revealing Anna.

"Hey, Elsa- Oh! Sorry! I didn't realize you were in a meeting!" Elsa stood.

"What is it, Anna?" The princess scoffed and waved her hand in a dismissive manner.

"Oh it can wait, you're busy, let me know when you're done okay?" As suddenly as she appeared, Anna was gone. Bewildered, Elsa sat back down, laughing to herself. Conrad appeared to be just as amused.

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