Chapter 2

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Two days following his arrival in Arendelle, Conrad penned a letter back home to inform his parents on how well things were going and what he thought of Arendelle. He was deliberate and careful about his description since Arendelle was a new trading partner and naturally, his parents wanted to have close ties, knowing having Queen Elsa as an ally would be a great asset for the future.

On his first full day, Conrad got to see Elsa's magnificent abilities in action. He was mesmerized. The way she used her powers with grace and diligence was something to admire and respect.

He also got to know the princess too. Anna reminded him very much of his own sister. While Elsa was attending to some queen duties, Anna offered to keep him company, to which he appreciated.

"I'm sure Elsa already told you about us growing up and being apart?" Conrad nodded.

"She did. I couldn't imagine being forced away from my siblings for any reason. I'm glad to see you two are even closer now." Anna smiled.

"As am I! I've always loved Elsa for who she is, and I'm glad she's opening up to more people. I've never seen Arendelle more alive!" Conrad chuckled. He could tell the personality differences between the sisters, Anna was definitely more extroverted. She and Signe would get along very well.

Elsa was clearly the more introverted one. From what he'd heard, it was due to various contributing factors, from her childhood to her right to the throne and being queen.

Later on in the day, Anna led him back into the castle as the servants were preparing dinner. Conrad noticed how the female servants were quite giddy around him, Signe always teased him about how young women acted around him.

"You make them swoon even when you're not looking at them." Conrad always brushed it off.

As he made his way through the halls, he looked around at some of the paintings and caught notice of the late King Agnarr and his wife, Queen Iduna, Anna and Elsa's parents. Agnarr had a more stern expression in this painting, and Iduna held a softer, more demure expression, a hint of a smile there.

Elsa and Iduna looked incredibly alike, especially in the eyes. And they held themselves with grace and elegance.

"Admiring the paintings I see." Conrad turned to see Kai, one of the head servants approach him. Conrad cleared his throat and nodded.

"Oh, yes. I couldn't help it. They look like they were a good pair." Kai nodded, clasping his hands behind his back and sighing.

"Yes, they were. They did everything in their goodwill to help the princess and queen. They are both dearly missed." Conrad nodded. Anna had told him that their parents had gone on a trip and would be gone for two weeks. The girls didn't know where they were headed, but on their journey to their unknown destination, their ship was sunk in a violent storm. It was supposedly off the coast of western Denmark.

"I couldn't help but notice Elsa and her mother share a lot of similar features." Kai nodded again.

"Ah yes, they were quite close when the queen was young. I believe that if Elsa did not have her powers, she would be a near mirror image of her mother." Elsa with dark hair? Huh, what an interesting thought.

"Well, I would advise you to make your way to the dining hall soon, dinner will be served." With that, Kai headed off in the other direction, leaving Conrad to look at the painting again, and gaze into the watchful eyes of Iduna.

Conrad made his way into the dining hall through the open doors. There, he saw Elsa talking to the blonde ice harvester, Kristoff, was his name, and another servant.

"Conrad! There you are!" Elsa said with a smile. Conrad came over to join her, nodding to Kristoff, the two having not been formally introduced, "Conrad, this is Kristoff Bjorgman, the Royal Ice Master of Arendelle. Kristoff, this is Prince Conrad of Hjallnes." The two men nodded to each other.

"Pleasure to meet you, Kristoff."

"Likewise. Elsa? Where's Anna?"

"Should be coming soon." Kristoff nodded and left to go find the princess, leaving Elsa and Conrad alone in the dining hall.

"So, tell me, how was your day? I assume Anna had fun showing you around the village?" Conrad chuckled.

"Indeed she did. She really reminds me of my own sister, I think the two of them would get along quite well." Elsa smiled.

"How much older are you to your sister and brothers? I would imagine she is still a teenager?"

"I'm two years older than Oliver, 3 years older than Tobias, and 5 years older than Signe. She's just a couple years younger than Anna."

"I see. I imagine the four of you are close?" Conrad nodded.

"Quite, though because Oliver and Tobias are a year apart, they're the closest out of the four of us. Signe used to think they were twins when she was very young." Elsa couldn't help but laugh.

"That's adorable!"

After talking some more, dinner was set out and Conrad was seated next to Elsa. Kristoff also joined the group, and Conrad saw how close Anna and Kristoff appeared to be. Conrad leaned over to Elsa.

"Are they courting?" He asked.

"Kristoff is ready to start the process, and I'm sure Anna is too, I'm just not sure when it will happen. I hope soon though, they're very happy together and make a wonderful pair. Kristoff has been nothing but wonderful since he started staying within the village."

After dinner, Elsa took it upon herself to take Conrad back to his room.

"Thank you, Elsa, you didn't have to, though." He said. She rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I am the queen, I feel obligated."

"Heh, well, thank you. I had a great day. What is the plan for tomorrow?" She shrugged.

"Not sure yet, we can discuss it at breakfast in the morning. Goodnight, Conrad." He nodded and bowed his head slightly.

"Of course. Goodnight, Elsa." He shut the door, leaving Elsa to think to herself for a moment. She was certainly drawn to him, she decided asking Anna for help about what to do with Conrad tomorrow would be a good idea, Anna had better ideas of what to do during the day outside of the castle more than her.

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