Chapter 18

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With Christmas come and gone, Arendelle prepared for ringing in the new year. The sisters knew that New Year's traditions tended to be a bit simpler and more straightforward compared to Christmas. But even still, they were ringing in a new year, a time for fresh beginnings and fun ways to kick off how to spend the first few months.

Conrad was certainly planning his own surprise for the celebrations. He'd discussed it with Kai and Gerda, both of whom agreed to help keep it a secret.

Anna and Olaf were naturally very excited themselves, Arendelle was going to be celebrating it's first New Year since opening the gates again! The princess couldn't be more thrilled, and she was even more excited since they had Conrad and Kristoff to help celebrate!

This time, they made sure that all of Arendelle would stay to celebrate. And much to everyone's delight, Conrad's sister, Signe, would be staying for a few days to join in the festivities. When she arrived, she was immediately caught up in how beautiful Arendelle looked during the winter.

"You're so lucky you get to live here now," Signe remarked as her brother walked her into the castle grounds, "It's so pretty here." Conrad chuckled.

"Well you get to enjoy it while you're here. And you can help me with some of our traditions from back home during New Year's Eve." Signe beamed and bounced a little with excitement.

"Oh yes!!! Like the rice pudding! Remember, I'm still the family champion!" Conrad rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you are..." Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff all burst into huge smiles seeing the young princess come through the castle doors.

"Signe!!!" Anna exclaimed, running to her and giving her a huge hug, "Welcome back to Arendelle!"

"Thanks!!! I'm so glad I get to be here! And just it time, too!" Elsa hugged the princess.

"I'm so glad to see you again, I hope your voyage here was smooth?" Signe nodded.

"It was! I tell you, I've never seen a kingdom look so pretty underneath the snow." Elsa chuckled.

"I'm glad to hear that. So, I hear your family has some New Year's traditions? Conrad was hoping to merge them with ours." Signe nodded.

"Yep! The most common is a whole almond in rice pudding." Elsa raised an eyebrow, "whoever finds the whole almond will have good luck for the coming year! And, I've been the family champion for nine years in a row!" Elsa laughed seeing Conrad roll his eyes.

"She brags about this every Christmas and New Year's Eve. It's quite irritating." Elsa snickered.

"Well, we won't be having any of that." She patted his chest with a smile.

That evening, Conrad was busy working at his desk in his room, working on a love letter of

sorts that would end up becoming the little speech he'd give to Elsa when he planned to propose to her on New Year's Eve. He had the ring ready, he'd been in contact with the jeweler, who'd made Elsa's coronation tiara, who was also in on the secret too.

As he tried to figure out a good way to close it off before adding in the question, his door opened.

"Conrad?" It was Signe.

"Signe? What is it?" He asked. He didn't really try hiding the letter, knowing he could trust his sister with the secret if she asked, and knowing her, she would. It seemed that whatever question had been on her mind when she first came in had escaped her entirely, as she spied his letter.

"Whatcha writing?" He sighed.

"I can count on you to keep a secret for a couple of days?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well... I'm sort of drafting a little speech I'm planning on giving to Elsa before I propose to her on New Year's Eve." Signe's jaw dropped.

"My god, FINALLY!!!" She exclaimed, pumping her fists into the air, startling Conrad who shut his bedroom door.

"Shhhh!!! Keep it down will you?"

"Does Anna know?"

"No, only Kai and Gerda do. I want to keep it on the down-low, can you do that for me?" Signe nodded.

"Of course I can, anything for my big brother." Conrad shook his head.

"Thanks, Signe. See you in the morning." After she left, Conrad looked down at the draft, sighing and rubbing his face. He was confident Elsa was much more comfortable in her relationship with him, they both really loved each other, so, he was sure this was an appropriate move.

He put everything away for the night and went to change, stopped in front of his mirror, looking at his scars. They'd healed nicely, though they were still a little sore, but he felt that would be a long lasting side effect. He tenderly touched the scar, feeling the rough skin. The scars would forever remind him of the one he once called his best friend, betray him. The memory still hurt, perhaps more than the injury itself.

He put his pjs on and went to bed, trying to not overthink...

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