Chapter 11

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Conrad slowly blinked his eyes open, groaning in intense pain, his abdomen aching beyond belief. He rubbed his face and attempted to sit up, but froze in pain again. He tried to remember what had happened, but all he could think of was the sight of Elsa's tearful, terrified face looking down at him as she held him close before he passed out.

He was in his guest room again, all his stuff still where he left it last. But now there was an extra table covered with bandages and other medical supplies.

The door cracked open and Conrad turned to see Anna peeking in.

"Anna?" He said in surprise. The princess smiled sadly.

"Conrad." She came to the bedside, "I'm glad you're finally awake."

"What happened?"

"You were stabbed, by Edvard... he was apprehended by the guards and is currently sitting in the prison below the castle. Elsa has sent a letter to your kingdom to tell your family to come to Arendelle as soon as possible." Conrad widened his eyes, letting it sink in.

"Is Elsa okay? Where is she?"

"She's alright, she's been trying to get the chaos in order, she's worried about you."

"Tell her I'm okay."

"I'll tell her you're awake. The doctor said to not sit up suddenly or you'll tear the stitches." She stood and smiled at him, lightly patting his shoulder good-heartedly and left the room, shutting the door lightly behind her. Conrad sighed and looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought and incredibly unnerved.

He was angry and upset about Edvard, unable to believe that he was betrayed by him, it almost didn't feel real. Where did he go wrong? What did he miss? Being lost in thought allowed him to drift off to sleep again, relieving some of his pain.

The royal physician entered maybe a few hours later, and Elsa followed behind. Elsa's face lit up seeing Conrad awake, she went to his side and smiled at him, a smile of sadness but relief.

"I was so worried about you..." She said. The physician, Isaac, lifted Conrad's shirt to check the bandage to change it.

"You were lucky, it didn't hit any major organs, but it was a clean cut through the front and out the back. It will scar quite severely." Conrad sighed.

"It doesn't matter if it scars or not, I'm just grateful that bastard didn't kill me. He's always had bad aim." Elsa forced a sigh to hide her laughter. Even when he was severely injured, Conrad managed to crack a joke, perhaps to lighten the tense mood, "how long was I out?" He asked.

"A little over a day now. We were worried you wouldn't wake up." Elsa replied.

After rebandaging the wound, Isaac pulled Elsa aside to speak to her about the situation.

"Your majesty, the prince will have to stay bedridden for quite some time, with a wound like that... he can't have any major excitement. I would ask you to help him with medication and eventually, help him move around after a few weeks." Elsa nodded.

"Understood, thank you, Isaac, I'll stay with him for a little while. You're free to go." Isaac nodded, put his supplies away and left the room, leaving the young queen and the prince alone. Elsa took her seat in a chair she pulled up next to the bed, taking his hand into hers.

"Conrad... I-"

"It's okay, Elsa."

"I'm so sorry this happened... I should've done more about the threat..." Conrad shook his head.

"It wasn't your fault, Elsa. Truly. I didn't know it could've happened either... neither of us could've done anything... I'm just glad Edvard is where he belongs now... he can't threaten either of us anymore." Elsa nodded, rubbing her thumbs over the top of his hand, feeling the callouses of his hand underneath her soft, delicate ones. He watched her, contemplating how to tell her how he was feeling, not so much physically...

"I know that this wasn't the intent of my trip... but I feel like the two of us have bonded..." Elsa smiled softly.

"I agree... we have..."

"I didn't say it at the palace... but, I wanted to so desperately tell you that I've fallen in love with you..." He gave her a big, genuine smile. Elsa returned it.

"Me too..." She replied quietly. She was scared to admit it before... but not anymore. She felt it for real now, and she knew he felt it too... he would make an excellent king for Arendelle. He lifted his hand to her face, placing it on her cheek, stroking her cheekbone with his thumb. She leaned into his touch, watching him with soft smile on her face.

No words needed to be spoken as he brought her closer to his face, and she didn't resist or protest, she leaned forward on her own, her lips hovering just over his momentarily, gazing into each other's eyes, before leaning in for the kiss, pressing softly and delicately. Elsa had never kissed anyone before, but she knew it didn't matter. A kiss was a kiss, and in this circumstance, it meant a lot for both of them.

After what felt like they were frozen in time, they pulled apart slowly. Basking in the feeling of acknowledging their feelings for each other.

"We will wait until you're healed and can walk before we move forward with anything. Your health comes first." She told him. He chuckled awkwardly and nodded.

"I'm okay with that." After another tender kiss, Elsa left the room with a smile on her face. Everything was going to be alright...

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