Chapter 8

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The next morning, Elsa woke up with a stir. She sat up and gasped, having forgotten she'd fallen asleep in the library. She quickly stood, placed the book back on the shelf and sprinted out of the library. She nearly ran into Anna.

"Elsa! Whoa, what's the matter?"

"I fell asleep in the library. I need to get dressed."

"Easy, easy, no one's going anywhere, no rush!" Elsa didn't want Conrad to see her like this, she made a beeline for her room and quickly shut her door, deciding an ice dress would be the best way to go for today. Very reminiscent of her usual ice dress, but no visible bodice, she simply swirled 'ribbons' of ice around her chest until she was comfortable, aiming for low back, v-neck with long, sheer sleeves.

Once she fixed her hair and made sure she was decent, she made her way downstairs to the dining hall where everyone else was, waiting for her.

"Elsa? Are you alright?" Conrad asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I'm alright. I hope everyone slept well last night?" Everyone at the table nodded as Elsa took her seat next to Conrad. She could feel his gaze on her as she ate, but she didn't mind.

"Last night was so much fun! I'm so glad Conrad and Edvard could join us." Conrad and Edvard both nodded.

"We were delighted to be a part of it. I understand you have a Christmas celebration coming as well?" Edvard asked. Elsa nodded.

"Oh yes, we are quite excited." After breakfast, Elsa talked to Conrad more about taking him to the north mountain to show him her ice palace before he had to sail back home.

"I assure you, Elsa. I would absolutely love to go. I understand it'll take a while, but I don't mind at all." Elsa sighed, nodding her head.

"Okay. I'll tell Kai and Gerda. We can leave tomorrow."


Elsa went to Anna to tell her.

"Oh! That should be fun for both of you. You don't plan to stay there overnight?" Elsa shook her head.

"Of course we won't, he wouldn't be able to handle the cold for that long there. Once we arrive there, I'll give him a tour, and then we'll make our way back. We shouldn't be gone for too long."

"Just be careful out there, the wolves aren't very friendly." Elsa nodded.

"We'll be alright."

Back in the prince's guestroom, Edvard entered to see Conrad busy packing his luggage.

"Sir? What are you doing? We aren't scheduled to leave for another four days?" Conrad turned to Edvard.

"The queen invited me to go visit her ice palace on the north mountain tomorrow morning. One last thing to see before we leave for Hjallanes. It's a bit of a trek, can take a day or two, hopefully, the weather is good to us and we should be back in time." Edvard looked at his friend in surprise.

"The north mountain? Good lord, she built an ice palace up there?" Conrad nodded.

"Took me by surprise too, I knew she was powerful enough to decorate the castle the way she's done, but I didn't realize she was capable of building a whole castle, too." Edvard whistled slightly.

"You've grown an interest in quite the woman, Conrad." Conrad looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Edvard rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Conrad. I've known you almost 20 years, I think I've learned to see when you're smitten with a woman." Conrad gave him a look.

"Even if I was, what's it to you?"

"Nothing to me. But a strong allyship with Arendelle and Hjallanes. Think about it-"

"Trust me, I already have. I know what it would mean to have Arendelle as Hjallanes's ally and trade partner." Conrad interrupted, "Elsa is a force to be reckoned with. And I intend to keep the peace as long as possible." He looked sternly at Edvard, who looked at his friend confused.


"You're up to something, and I'm not sure what it is, but when I come back, I'm going to figure it out and we're going to talk about it." Edvard gaped at him incredulously.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Conrad."

"I think I do." Conrad pushed his luggage underneath the bed and walked out, not bothering to close the door behind him. Leaving Edvard a little angry and concerned. There was no way Conrad really knew what he was up to and he was bluffing? No... Conrad wasn't like that.

If there was one thing Conrad took very seriously, it was loyalty. It was something he got from his father. King Gerhard, a wise king, but he could be very stern with others when needed. Conrad had a lot of his father in him, and the king was pushing his eldest son to take after him in that way.

Edvard always watched on while Conrad and his brothers and sister would get lectures about responsibility, how to be a good king/queen, and so forth. Gerhard was strict, but he genuinely wanted the best for his children.

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