Chapter 9

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The next day, Elsa and Conrad were packed and ready to go to their visit to the north mountain. Elsa knew the way up, so she and her horse led. Just like their visit to the trolls, Conrad took in the scenery, admiring the view of Arendelle as they ventured further up the mountains.

"I had no idea mountains could be so big." He couldn't help but remark. Elsa laughed.

"Does your kingdom not have any mountains?" Conrad shook his head.

"Denmark as a whole is not a mountainous country. The biggest things are large hills and rocks. That's it, nothing that interesting unless you're at the coast. The coastline is the best place to be, many villages and small homes there. It's beautiful."

"I can imagine. Is Hjallanes on the coastline?"

"It's slightly inlet, much like Arendelle, except we don't have a huge fjord. We have very extensive forests though."

"Sounds wonderful! I'd love to visit one day, I don't often leave Arendelle, though I hope to soon, someday."

"Perhaps in the future, you can come visit Hjallanes, you'll be warmly welcomed."

"I've heard the Danes are very welcoming people."

"You've heard from the right folks." The two laughed, definitely allowing them to be more comfortable around each other. Elsa was beginning to feel herself become closer to him, he was just... he was so kind, he loved listening to what she had to say, and she could see that he'd be a great leader.


Back in Arendelle, Anna had been left in charge while Elsa was gone. A lot had happened in the past week, but she was enjoying it, she loved it when people came to visit Arendelle, and she really liked Conrad a lot! She hoped something would happen between him and her sister, the two had great chemistry and really enjoyed spending time together.

However, according to Olaf, who wandered wherever he pleased, Conrad's advisor, Edvard had been acting a little strange lately. Neither Anna or Olaf could place it, but Edvard gave them weird vibes, and Anna began to hope Elsa would be back soon.


Hours passed, and soon, the glittering spires of Elsa's ice palace came into view over the snow-covered peaks of the mountains. Conrad had never been so high up before, and then again, he'd never seen quite a view like this before either.

"If you think the view is beautiful now, wait till you see it from the balcony," Elsa told him with a slight giggle. Conrad grinned, urging his horse further.

"I can't wait to see." As they made their way up further the mountainside, it hit Elsa that she hadn't been inside her palace in months. It probably needed a little touching up, but that was okay, she knew he would still be blown away regardless. Soon their horses stopped at the ice staircase and they dismounted, securing them up to the railing. Marshmallow, Elsa's giant snowman bodyguard, grunted at the two, which startled Conrad, but Elsa remained calm, so he did too.

Conrad's jaw fell open seeing the ice palace in front of him for the first time.

"I... I'm speechless... I knew it was going to be spectacular from what you've told me... but nothing quite like this..." Elsa chuckled.

"A little far from speechless, but thank you." Conrad playfully rolled his eyes and followed her up the stairs, hand sliding up the railing with ease. He took in all of the detail he could see. Elsa had done a marvelous job, and he could see her signature snowflake detailing all over. It was beautiful. And he saw the icy glow on Elsa, she looked like a goddess...

She opened the grand front doors.

"Welcome." She said with a beaming smile. Conrad stepped in, suddenly losing his footing and falling on his butt. Else hurried over and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" He nodded.

"Oh yeah yeah, I'm okay, should have expected that." He chuckled and looked up and around, seeing a beautiful ice fountain, the ice drops suspended in air, glittering in the sunset.

"Elsa... this is beautiful." Looking around in wonder, Conrad was mesmerized by the beauty of the ice. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he had a strange new appreciation for how beautiful ice could really be, especially since a human could create it. Elsa stood by him, delighted he loved the ice palace, those who had come here were always blown away by the majestic structure, and who wouldn't be?

"Come upstairs." She said. He followed her up the grand staircase, but he couldn't stop looking around and being a little distracted by the decor.

Soon they entered the main room, or the 'ballroom', you could say. The setting sun filled the room with light, casting shadows and shining through the ice. It was magical indeed.. Conrad craned his neck up and saw the magnificent chandelier.

"Oh... oh my..." He gaped, "you really made this whole thing by yourself... it's... amazing." He breathed, his breath fogging in the cold, crisp air. Elsa smiled.

"Like I told my sister, I never knew what I was capable of."

"I think it's absolutely breathtaking, and I feel honored you took me here to show it all to me." Elsa smiled and decided to be bold, taking his hand in hers and guiding him to the balcony; overlooking the mountains that were spread out before them.

"Heh... I know I'm never going to see a view like this again."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I am going home after this, right?"

"Oh... yes. That's right." Conrad raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Elsa blushed, and it really showed on her pale cheeks.

"It seems silly for me... but I was hoping you could possibly stay longer..." She sighed and was about to turn back inside, but Conrad stopped her.

"You want me to stay?" Elsa nodded awkwardly.

"You'd fit well into Arendelle. The people love you here, and Anna enjoys your company. Would you at least consider it?" Elsa couldn't believe she'd even asked him, it was so unlike her, but she truly did like Conrad a lot, and felt close to him. She wouldn't mind becoming closer to him in a romantic way, as long as he didn't mind it himself.

"Do you use this place as a getaway of sorts?" He asked.

"Sometimes, when I feel overwhelmed with my duties and need some time to myself, it's a good place to be yourself and be able to think." Conrad nodded.

"I love it."

"I'm glad you do." The two continued to watch the sunset together, letting their hands touch on the rails, and that was when they really felt the spark. They looked into each other's eyes and they nodded.

"Let's head back to Arendelle..." Elsa suggested. Conrad followed her back to their horses and they began the trek back into Arendelle, hoping to set a new plan into motion.

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