Chapter 21

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The following morning, after breakfast, Anna followed her sister up to her office to begin thinking about how to respond to Hans's letter. Anna understandably didn't want anything to do with Hans, and Elsa completely understood. But given the circumstances, and Elsa's position as queen, they knew they had to take a different approach. Elsa, being the queen, and older sister, felt that it was time that they move on, after all, holding grudges helped no one, and she had to remind Anna of that, who begrudgingly agreed.

"... I guess." Anna said in frustration. The princess muttered insults under her breath about Hans as Elsa began working on the reply. Elsa just rolled her eyes and continued. She thought intently about what to do and how to manage the situation.Ugh, why did feelings need to be so complicated? Elsa tapped her quill against her inkpot, randomly scribbling possible thoughts down onto other sheets of paper, trying to organize the letter as best she could.

"Elsa? Do you think I can write my own letter? Giving Hans a piece of my mind?" Elsa turned to face her sister.

"I know you want to, but in this situation, I doubt that would be the best thing to do. But, if you want to write it out, here," she handed her a piece of parchment, "go crazy, but we're not sending it." Anna nodded, grabbing a quill for herself.

"I'll live." Together, the two of them spent a few hours writing, exchanging thoughts and editing. At one point, Kristoff peeked in.

"You girls need anything?" He asked. Anna asked him to bring up some chocolate, which, after garnering a laugh from both Kristoff and Elsa, he left to bring a plate for them.

While writing, Elsa decided that she would invite the disgraced prince to her wedding, and she specifically stated it would be to resolve conflict and tension, not to open ties with the Southern Isles again, making sure it was clear and concise and could not be misread. Conrad and Anna always said Elsa had a knack for being able to make her word clear in writing.

Eventually, hours later, Elsa finally finished her letter. She let Conrad, Anna, and Kristoff all read it. They were hesitant, but they agreed Elsa had written well and that it was indeed time to move forward.

"I'll make sure he is supervised at all times. The ceremony, reception, and everything after. He will not go a minute in Arendelle without guards keeping an eye on him. And all four of us will be courteous, calm, and absolutely no threats against him, am I clear?" Everyone shared a nod, and so with that, Elsa sealed the envelope with a wax seal and gave it to Kai.

"Forgive my thoughts, your majesty, but I confess; I am quite surprised you're doing this," the head servant commented. Elsa nodded.

"I know, Kai. But I'll ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible regardless of what happens."

Conrad and Elsa had agreed their wedding would be on the anniversary of Elsa's coronation. As customary, Conrad would also be coronated the same day, right after the main ceremony. It was going to be a long day for everyone, but Arendelle was absolutely thrilled as the months and weeks inched closer and closer to the big day, villagers talking amongst themselves, mostly about how well the prince and queen got along and that he'd make an excellent king consort to their queen.

Anna wanted a big part in helping her sister, especially in the wedding dress. Gerda presented her with a blank dress since the three had agreed Elsa would detail and touch it up with her magic. The blank dress was essentially a fancy nightgown, but the bodice was in a sweetheart design. Elsa studied it for a moment, and then expanded the hemline so it was floor length, giving it a trumpet silhouette, which was Elsa's usual go-to style of dress anyway.

With some input from Anna, Gerda, and a couple of maids, they all admired the finished design. Anna squealed and hugged her sister.

"You're going to look absolutely amazing!!! Mother would've been so happy for you." Elsa smiled.

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