10.|Just A Girlfriend

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It had been exactly five hours since the incident, making it 3 pm. Keith and Natalia still hadn't heard from anyone; if there was no update in the next few hours they would have to come up with a new plan.

The thought of coming up with a new plan had just crossed their minds when out of nowhere, Keith's phone began to buzz, surprising the two adults who were once deep in their own thoughts. Keith hesitantly pulls out his phone but once they both read who the caller was, a deep sigh of relief overcomes them.


"You stupid bastard! Who'd you shoot?!", Dallas hollers from the other end in the exact English accent Keith possessed.

"Shoot?!", Keith exclaims.

"Well, don't act innocent! Why would you betray your own-"

"Dallas! Shut the bloody hell up! I didn't shoot anyone!", Keith yells back after standing up angrily, forcing Natalia to pull him back down on the edge of the sidewalk they had been sitting on for the past three hours.

"You honestly didn't? Then what gave Mum the sudden urge to tell me that you and Nat shot down the Miller's and Ang-"

"About how many times have you ignored the fact that in stressful situations Mum makes the cases sounded more dramatic when she doesn't have the right person to point her finger at?", Keith asks angrily before Natalia wraps her arms around his waist hoping that would at least calm him down and keep him on the ledge.

Dallas remains silent on the other end in deep regret for launching out at his brother.

"Guessing you're nowhere near being accepted back home, right?", Dallas finally asks after realizing how much pain Keith is in.

"Nope...this situation makes me feel like I'm back in that high school situation with Mum...feels slightly worse.", Keith responds after wrapping his arm around Natalia's shoulders; allowing her to press her head against his chest.

Natalia looks up at him in interest to this new subject.

"Yeah, felt it...but hey Keith, if the situation gets any worse come on over I've got a surprise I've been waiting for some time to show you,'' Dallas states with an eager tone, hoping to change the depressing subject.

"Surprises can wait Texas, I've got too many right now and I can't handle anymore."

With that said in the same unchanging accent, Keith and Natalia earn some looks from passing strangers.

"Just putting that option out there. Not that Mum is after you with a shotgun or that she may make you the top wanted in America-", Dallas continues joking.

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'm trying to keep a low profile here. I'll put your place on my options list, happy?", Keith says with a smile.

"Of course! Now, onto the next topic...how far have you and Natalia gotten into your relationship?", he quickly asks.

Natalia's eyes widen as the tips of her ears turn a slightly darker hue of pink.

"Any children on the way?", Dallas adds in.

"What type of question is that?", Natalia blurts out embarrassed of Dallas' boldness.

"And you have awoken the Fury.", Keith says with a grin as he looks down at Natalia who withdrew her arms from around his waist, yet she didn't escape the twins' conversation since Keith tightened his grip around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest, "We haven't tried out for kids yet but that day is coming."

With that said along with Keith's famous grin, Natalia froze in her attempt to escape and quickly snatched the phone from him while clicking the end call button.

"Come on Nat, he's just my twin.", Keith says after releasing his grip from Natalia's shoulders and receiving his phone back.

"And I'm just your girlfriend.", Natalia sharply barks back as she stands and begins walking out of the public park.

She looked down at her right arm which still remained covered with the thin jacket she pulled on over it this morning. Although she hadn't complained about it, the pain was still there, yet luckily it was the type of pain that wouldn't be constant.

Being honest with herself, she did feel bad for snapping back at Keith but it was about time that he realized having children with an assassin would be a problem in many ways.

After she had successfully reached the garage level the car was parked on she could feel Keith's presence approaching her from behind as the car came closer. But she didn't stop walking until she reached the car and it unlocked with a mere click from the button in Keith's left hand.

Natalia reached for the door handle when suddenly Keith's hand wraps around it with his chest pressing against her back and his lips just above her ear. Goosebumps began to spread across Natalia's body as they both just remained in that position in silence.

"What?", Natalia finally asks without moving.

With the same blank face, Keith pulls on the door handle, opening the door. With a frustrated sigh, Natalia climbs in and he gently closes the door. Keith welcomes himself in the car as well before Natalia becomes tense.

"Look Nat, I'm really sorry for-", Keith begins as he rubs his temple.

"Keith...it's fine. You just forgot."

"Forgot what?", Keith asks after Natalia grabbed his attention.

Natalia gives him a look before she began pulling her jacket off.

"Woah, woah, woah-", Keith begins teasing before earning Natalia's famous death glare.

After successfully, but not so elegantly, Natalia took off her jacket and held up her right arm to eye level. Keith looks at it and then realizes her point.

"It's poison in the life of my body and guess what I'll end up giving to the next generations of Amrstrongs?", Natalia states before letting her arm drop with a heavy sigh, "And to be honest I would've told you about it sooner but I didn't kno-"

Keith stops Natalia when he reached out and turned her chin towards him.

"I don't care if we have kids or not, you're all that matters to me", Keith says with a smile before dropping his arm and turning on the car as a small wren flying over the windshield catches his eye, "And I'll make up the conversation with Dallas up to you somehow."

"As a matter of fact...there is a way you could make it up to me.", Natalia says as she looks away from her arm.

GUNPOINT | 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora