#41 Unlikeable

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My eyes twitch and hurt from the bright light shining above me. I try to open them, but they feel swollen, as if I'd been crying before my awakening.

'Wait, why am I waking up? Wasn't I just....?'

My mind gets filled with memories, visions and actions that had encountered, as I thought, just a few moments ago. But with my whole body being numb, I highly doubt that's the case. I try to move my head away from the light, feeling my neck crack. I slightly open my eyes, seeing a white bedside table, a large window, with shining stars behind it. I only now notice the white cushions and sheets, the warmth they emit.

I try to pull my hand up to block the shine, but it seems stuck in a strong grip. I slowly sit up, looking to my side I see ash blond hair, laying on the edge of my bed.

My heart jumps, realizing it's him. I look around and in the corner sits Eijiro, in a comfortable-looking chair, sleeping soundly. I try to get my hand back from the grip, but every time I try, it seems the grip gets stronger by the second. Leaning closer to him, I hear his light snores, heaving a simple rhythm. I poke his cheek, hoping to get his attention.


I poke it again, he's still snoring. I swing my hand up high in the air and slap him, as hard as I can, screaming "WAKE UP, LEUTENANT"

He springs up from my bed and pulls my hand closer to him, his sparkling and hot palm close to my face. Time seemed to move a lot quicker in the morning. If it's even morning...I start to giggle, as he starts to realize what he's doing. I clench my stomach in a fit of giggles, he looks at his palms, thinking to himself,

'I almost... hurt her.'

I keep rolling in my bed, trying not to disconnect any kind of wiring. After a few more seconds of pure awkwardness I lie back down on the puffy pillow and begin to drown into it. Katsuki falls into his seat, locking eyes with me. They scream worried and curious. Somehow that hatred faded...

"Is something on your mind?" I ask, feeling a cold sweat run down my neck. He huffs, furrowing his eyebrows deeply. His look averts down to the tips of his shoes. I feel worry fill me up, he's rarely like this...

"What do you remember? Before... getting here?" His words are slow and thought through. The tone he's speaking in is calm and concerning. It's almost shaking.

I try to concentrate, what do I remember?

"I remember the terrifying demons that chased us, John Constantine... I definitely remember the three scars on one side of my neck. Then..." I look straight into his eyes, "What happened then?? Did I faint?"

Katsuki slowly nods, "Yeah, we think you might have fainted, but you woke up later... don't you remember that?" I scratch my head.

"No? What happened?" Katsuki looks away again, as if those words triggered something inside him.

"It doesn't matter, in any case, the nurses said you have to have your rest. I was about to leave anyway." I, un-amused, glance at him, shaking my head.

"Yeah, your unconscious body was definitely about to leave." I cross my hands together, "And, just so you know, it does matter. What happened?" Bakugou hesitantly looks back from his shoulder, his broad back turned to me.

After a little silence he speaks, "You were severely burned, half of your body was. Even over four-degrees. We all thought that you were going to die, until..." His voice cracks, as if he's about to cry. I feel my heart sink, this doesn't seem like him. I want to hug him, but I'm afraid I'll break something if I move from my place.

He didn't seem to be the type to like hugs, anyway.

I gulp, "Until what...?" He clenches his fists to the point, where his knuckles turned white. He spins around,

"Until you said..." Visible tears roll down his cheeks, as he clenches his shirt, close to where his heart is. I furrow my eyebrows,

'Fuck this hospital and everything in it.'

I break free of the wires and stand on my feet, limping. I fall towards him and before I fell to my depending doom, he grabs my shoulders, holding me still. "You shouldn't be walking yet." I give him a determined look and hug him immediately.

I could tell he was tense, but he soon after hugged me back as well. I felt warm. He felt warm.

His sweet and strong scent was all over the place and it makes me feel safe. I feel tears run down my face too. "You don't have to say it, if you're not ready yet." His breath becomes hitched, his breathing unstable, much like my personality :)

"I just...." He starts, "I just wanted to say that..."

He waits for a second longer.

"I love you, too."

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