#10 Little Gossip

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3rd Person's POV

Katsuki quietly walks the busy streets to high school. Countless cars drive past him and his unfeedable ego as he quietly strategizes on what he will be doing this noon. Mr. Aizawa told the class that they will be heading to USJ for training.

Or something like that.

As Katsuki's mind is somewhere off in space, a hand flies to his back and gives him a hard pat on the back. Katsuki's defense mode activates and he grabs the arm and lunges the whole body over himself and onto the ground. The persons eyes widen, their crimson hues shrunken to the point of shock. Katsuki recognizes this person as "hedgehog hair" and soon lets go of his arm, helping Kirishima up.

"Come on! Not cool man. That hurt.." Kirishima complained, rubbing his butt. Katsuki didn't give it much thought, since he didn't go all out on him.

"Sorry, If you don't want me to do that again next time, maybe think about the consequences." Katsuki roughly replies. They both decide to walk to U.A together in total silence. But that didn't work out, because Kirishima couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Aren't you excited?" he asks in a bubbly way. [That's my Eijiro<3] Katsuki whips his eyebrow up, not understanding the topic of the conversation. "About the USJ? I bet it's going to be so awesome!" Katsuki just nods at his enthusiasm and continues to think, strategize. "Too bad (Y/n) won't be coming with us.."

That sentence caught Bakugous attention and a brief memory of (Y/n) entered his mind, reinventing that horrible and painful feeling inside him. Katsuki clutches his stomach tightly, while at the same time lowers his head and stops. Eijiro obviously notices and tries to comfort Katsuki, asking what is wrong.

He can't answer.

Katsuki's pride is too big to crumble down now. He will not tell his friend that a simple, helpless and weak girl has made him vulnerable.

He won't.

Katsuki breathes deeply in and out, his nerves calming by every second as he straightens his posture. A few more quiet breaths and Katsuki was back to normal. As if nothing ever happened. "Let's go." he mumbles.

Kirishima, still being dumbfounded, decides to not question it and follows.

~Bus, on its way to USJ~

Everyones quiet chatter fills the bus. Katsuki quietly watching the outside, Kirishima talking with Midoriya and Tsu, and Momo thinking about her lost friend...

Momo Yaoyorozu, one of the best heroes in U.A and the very first friend that (Y/n) made. Momo couldn't help but wonder... where did her dear friend run off to.

She would call or text her, but they weren't as close as to give each other their phone numbers. Momo also tried to ask if someone else had her number or know where she went.

No one knows.

Her mind clouded up at the horrible thoughts consuming over, until...

"What's with the vocabulary, bastard?! I'll kill you!" Katsuki's scream fills the bus. Momo quickly turns to look and sees boy wonder from his seat, shouting at Kaminari Denki.

"What a vulgar conversation." Momo mumbles to Uraraka, covering her mouth.

"But I like stuff like this." Ochako replies with her bubbly attitude. How can someone like this? Momo then turns back to the window, watching the birds fly past, one-by-one. What if (Y/n) got kidnapped? What if she went missing and none of us know?

What if...

What if she's dead..?

The thought made Momo's stomach hurt and she tried as hard as she could to not think of it ever again. She stands up, sliding past Ochako and to Mr. Aizawa. Her worried expression concerning Shota.

"Mr.Aizawa?" she quietly asks. Aizawa blinks a few times and asks what is the matter. Tangling her finger together, Momo shifts her body a slight and looks straight to his eyes. "Where is (Y/n)?" her question came out quite loud and so the whole bus heard.


Everyone shuts up and looks to their direction, also wondering where their dear friend had gone missing. Aizawa is taken a-back by the sudden voice raise, but still keeps his cool. Slightly furrowing his brows, Aizawa sticks his hands in his pockets and lets out a sigh of defeat.

"Do you kids really want me to tell the truth?" he asks, looking towards everyone. Hovering his eyes on each and every one of them. Some of them say "Yeah" and some say "Of course", others just hum in agreement. Aizawas stare reaches the ground as he closes his eyes. "She's been expelled." A small gasp escapes Momo.

Expelled? She just started!

The girl thinks. Everyones' eyes are wide from shock, except for Bakugou. He just looked towards Aizawa, seeing that he's already been looking at him. They exchange glances, Bakugou already knew that. She got expelled. Aizawa breaks their staring contest and looks back at the class.

"You heard me right. Now quiet down, we'll be at the USJ soon." Aizawa spoke before sitting back at his passenger seat. Everyone starts whispering about the current situation.

Why was she expelled?

Why did she leave?

Did she do it on her own?


As Katsuki was looking out the window, Kirishima nudges his arm. They share a glance before Katsuki looks back at the window. "What do you want?" The ash-blond haired boy asks with his rough and manly voice.

"Do you really think they would expel her for burning a classroom?" What a stupid question. Of course, it's just simple logic. If he were to think of the possible consequences then he would understand. What if there were other people in there? What if the fire would've spread out to the other classrooms? Collateral damage people!

"Of course." Katsuki simply answers. If he doesn't know that Katsuki got stabbed by (Y/n), then he doesn't need to know.

Katsuki noticed how Kirishima and (Y/n) got close.

He didn't want to ruin that.

'Wait! What the fuck am I thinking?! Why would I care for those two assholes? They mean nothing to me!'

Katsuki doesn't know this yet, but he does see Kirishima as a friend. It's just that his ego is too big for him to notice.

Damn, his ego is making him blind!

"But... I can't believe it. She told me that she was hypnotized! By some dude with messy purple hair and he looked as if he hadn't slept for who knows how long!" Kirishima shouted a little too loud. Aizawa overheard and that in itself let out a lot of red flags.

(Y/n) wanted to keep that person from any trouble and now from telling Kirishima everything... he will be in trouble.

She didn't want anyone else to suffer because of her.

Aizawa's head turned to Kirishima as he stood up and walked to him. "Purple hair and tired eyes?" he asked to make sure he heard Eijiro right.

Kirishima slowly nodded, a slight feeling of fear being present. He'd never seen his teacher this distressed and almost... paranoiac. Aizawa slowly walked back to his seat, sat down and took out his phone. After a bit, everyone already started talking, but Kirishima tried to listen. All he heard was,

"Search for a student with messy purple hair and bags under his eyes. I think that (Y/n) might actually be innocent."

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