#37 Reencounter

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"You see? I am the one who gave you your quirks." I shake my head furiously as he continues to annoy me, manipulate me.

"No! No, no, no, no..." I keep repeating it in my head,

'It's not true, he's messing with me... it's not true, IT'S NOT!'

I pull at my hair, letting out a scream. "You fucking psycho! How could you do this!?" His smile doesn't fade. All for one, the brutal man who killed millions of innocent people and the one who created countless monsters, such as myself. I stand up with force, knocking down my chair I run out of the white room.

I feel my shoulders shake as my face starts burning up and my throat begins to dry. The guards still have their stone faces, ignoring me completely, I open the door to exit as fast as I can and I start to run back towards my jail cell. Rob, who was smoking by the exit, was too slow to notice it was me who ran out. So he started running after me, throwing down the unfinished cigarette.

I run inside the main building and instantly my thoughts change as I decide to go to the center of the building. The Garden. I run in and kick off my shoes, while at the same time let my tears run down my cheeks and onto the soft grass, watering it.

I quietly walk to a bench and sit down, letting my head clear for a bit. I hear quick footsteps, as they approach my broken body. Rob stops right beside the bench and stands there for a while.


I walk out of the muddy yellow bus, finally able to breathe in fresh air. Pulling my (f/c) suitcase behind me I walk towards my house door. Seeing at the sides of the entrance my white lilacs have been taken care of, thanks to Yaoyorozu. I'll have to thank her for finding time for my poor plants.

I kick open the front door and slide my suitcase away from me, I jump on the couch and heave a tired sigh. Prison wasn't as stressful as the people I met there. Rob almost cried when he was leading me out. He's really too good of a man to be working in a place like that prison.

I close my eyes for a moment, enjoying the sun light coming from outside and the absolute calmness. Heaving another sigh I sit up and take out my phone. Looking through messenger I finally find the girl's group chat.

(Y/n): Hey gals, guess who's back?

A second passes when a response comes,

Ochaco: Hey hey hey! Welcome back!

(Y/n): Wanna meet up? I've got nothing to do so if all of you are up for it then let's go!

Momo: Yup! I'm free today, but at about 7:00PM, I've got to patrol the east side of Tokyo.

Tsu: Sure, I'm up for it.

Jirou: Kay, but I'm taking the guys with me.

(Y/n): the more the merrier.

I put my phone down and run to my room to pick out an outfit and get ready.


[I used a reference picture for this style, add your own hair and skin color to it, this is just a general idea how the outfit looks

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[I used a reference picture for this style, add your own hair and skin color to it, this is just a general idea how the outfit looks.]

I called Momo and asked her opinion on what to wear, which honestly worries me. This dress shows way too much of my scars, a few years ago I would have flatly said no, but now my self-consciousness is telling me,

'You go girl'

I put some light makeup on and walk out of my house. The sun is already setting, which makes a very nice mood for a girl's night out.

I take the train. So far, this night is a lot quieter than usual. Stepping off into the station I start to make way towards a small café in which we decided to meet. I look around myself, finally more and more cars start to drive past and it begins to feel like Tokyo again. The neon lights from all around create an aesthetic feeling, people walking past seem even more colorful than before.

I reach the café and walk inside, a few unrecognizable people sit around, as I try to look for the girls. I walk past the counter and into another sitting room and see...

"Girls! You said no boys!" I watch them all: Mina, Yaoyorozu, Ochaco, Tsu, Jirou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Hitoshi and Kacchan.

'Why Kacchan...?'

"Umm...no? I said exactly that I'm bringing the guys with me. You even replied with ,,The more the merrier"." I cock an eyebrow. Did I? I check my phone. Oh yeah.

"Right... oops." Yaoyorozu giggles at me, knowing about my forgetfulness. I sigh and sit down next to the girl, as far away from Kacchan as I can. A waiter comes with a little notebook and pen.

"Ready to order?" We all give him a smile and order what the hell we wanted. After he walked away I set my elbows on the table and we started chatting. Momo talks about how awesome the patrols are, Kaminari talks about girls, Hitoshi about his constant lessons with Aizawa, but then...

"So, (Y/n), how was prison?" My eyes shift to a yellow color, indicating surprise. How dare he ask this so bluntly? I shake my head, trying to think straight. I put my hands together and slowly breathe out, trying to compose myself not to lose control.

Like last time.

From the corner of my eye I see Shinsou nudge Kacchan with his elbow, "Dude, have some control, she just got back." I heard him whisper. I huff, feeling the air around us shift.

"It's fine, Shinsou, you know how he is." I look straight into Kacchan's eyes and see Hitoshi nod. I haven't looked into his eyes since the last time we went to visit Eijiro. Talking about the red haired man... I turn my glance to him and see that he's been on his phone this whole time. Rude, is he seriously going to ignore everything that I do from now on?

Everyone slightly shifts in their seats, awkward silence runs over all of us as we look at each other in discomfort. As we sat for a couple of minutes in silence the waiter finally came back, our drinks in hand. I see Tsu wipe sweat from her forehead in glee.

"Here you go." The waiter says with a smile and leaves us be.

We all drink, our eyes away from each other, wandering.


[People, you guys are cray-cray! 108K????? THAT'S BADONKERS. You have no idea how grateful I am for you people still sticking with my outstretched story! I love you all and I hope you like the ending, which is coming as soon as I can muster. Love yall! See ya in two weeks!!!]

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