#18 New Acomplise

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Eijiro's POV

I sit quietly at my little house, in the living room, thinking about everything that has happened earlier today.

"Why are we here, (Y/n)? Class is about to start."

"Before we do that, tell me... why were you crying Eijiro?"

That really caught me off guard. And then I realised that I broke down in front of everyone in class. And that's not manly at all!!

"W-well...you see..I couldn't believe my eyes that he would even dare kiss you."

She looked at me so surprised, like a kid getting extra candy for dinner.

"S-so.. that's why.."

Yeah... I thought.

Now that I think about it, it's super embarrassing. And Bakugou probably saw me too. I'm such a crybaby!

My stomach rumbles and I drowsily walk to my small kitchen which is provided with all the needs. A fridge, an oven and a microwave.

Still thinking about the previous day I throw in a plate with leftovers.

"I'm... sorry, Kirishima."

She used my last name. And then, right after that Uraraka came in, all happy and hugged her from behind. I started to walk away as they started to catch up on things.

I simply walk away. Their interests are none of my business.

Turning on the TV, I look for anything interesting happening while I wait for my 'supposed' dinner. And.. my eye catches a glimpse of some action happening. I turn one channel back and as I listen to the news reporter my mouth gapes open.

"We are now at the front entrance of the city mall where an unfamiliar villain has attacked from the inside. Spectators have noticed that the villain had acomplises."

What is happening..?

"We are still waiting for any heroes to come to the rescue as people inside are stuck from an emense explosion that broke down some pillars and closed off the exit."

Shit. I have to do something.

I drop my remote and run out of my house, taking my suit with me. The teacher previously gave them to us to hold on to, if anything like this happened.


Running past the reporter I hear her happily state,

"Finally, a hero to help save those innocent lives. But where is All Might right now? Why is he sending former highschoolers to do his job? We'll talk about that after this incident."

Damn it. Stop making All Might seem bad.

But in all honesty, where is he?

I harden my skin and punch through the concrete pillar at the entrance and jump inside, smoke filling my nostrils and vision. It's also oddly quiet.

Looking upwards, the glass roof can be spotted, but anything except that is covered in smoke. Using my already known knowledge about this building I run towards the swimsuit shop, which is nearest by me.

Inside - no one.

Then the second shop, a bakery - no one.

Then the next and so on. There was no one, only destroyed walls and pillars.

Then I heard a distress call. It sounded from downstairs. I run back down to the first floor and look around,the smoke cleared a bit. And I see a woman, stuck beneath a pillar. I quickly run to her rescue, breaking the pillar with my 'bare hands' [*snorts* w h y] and get her out.

She has long straight black hair, bluish eyes and freckles. Pretty cute, but not my taste. I look on her hands and neck, also face to look for any bruises or injuries. The mysterious stranger then leans on me, gripping my hand tightly.

"M..my hero.." I smile at her.

"You're going to be fine, Miss. I'll get you out of here." I say as I carefully take her in my arms and start to carry her out. She luckily didn't have any cuts nor bruises on her, which actually surprises me. "Do you feel any pain? I don't see any visible cuts anywhere." I state.

Her eyes are covered in shade from her bangs, she looks down at her knees and smiles wickedly.

"No~ Thanks for asking though~" she says and jumps out of my arms, throwing a knife at my direction. I harden my skin just as the knife scrapes my skin just a bit.

"What are you doing?" I shout at her as she lands on her feet, a few meters away from me.

"What do you think I'm doing~? Capturing you~"

"Wha-?" I didn't even finish my sentence when a potato bag was put over my head and I was knocked out immediately.

Midorya's POV

I run as fast as I can to get to the mall with Ochako right behind me. And right by the entrance I see the news reporter. I signal Uraraka to go in and look for anyone and I run to the young woman.

"Excuse me, has anyone entered or left the mall?" I nicely ask. Her face immediately lighting up as she jumps from her seat, letting her lunch drop on the ground, she picks up the microphone and turns to the huge camera, with me standing behind her, awkwardly.

"Here we see two more heroes enter the incident at the mall, will they save us? Or will we have to save ourselves? Now, this fellow heroine has a question?" She asks as while pointing the microphone at me.

"I'm sorry,I really don't have time. Has anyone entered or exited the building recently?" I ask while my hands make different motions.

"Yes. Another fellow heroine in red, seemed to have some sort of skin quirk" Kirishima...

"Yes, thank you." These were the last words I said, as I left them and ran inside the smoke filled mall.

[Ughhhhhh... it's almost midnighttt and my headache is killing meeeeee. By the ways, sorry for not uploading earlier, wattpad wasn't responding and this story was somehow gone from my draft for a few days. I seriously almost cried ;-;. And also... ALMOST 2K PEOPLE YOU DONT EVEN REALISE HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUUUUUU. OKAY, sorry but I reaaalllyy needs some sleeps, bye my peeps and geeks. Love ya very much❤❤]

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