#34 Interrogator

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"You bastard!" My voice rings throughout the neighborhood. "How could you!" I try to look back behind me, to see his fucking face again, but the policemen drag me away from Kacchan's house. They push me into one of the police cars and shut the door on my face.

I bang on the glass, locking my eyes with Kacchan's.

'How could he...just because I rejected him...He's probably never had a woman reject his ass...'

My throat dries and tears threaten to spill, I'm weakening. My arms feel numb and so do my legs. I am probably tired from work today... and running away from these other guys.

A ment sits in the driver's seat and on the passenger seat beside him - sits another one. I glance at both of them through the metal net, one of them has crazy black hair and the other - is a woman, with blonde hair in two buns.

I sit back and look out of the window, my eyes still glued to Kacchan's relaxed figure, by the door. Showing him the "fuck you" sign we drive off, presumably the police station or whatever.

The ride there was quiet. Nothing, but subtle glances from one to another. I decide to comply, interfering with their rules might cause me trouble and I don't really want that right now. They open my door and I step out, the man grabbing my hand pulls me closer to him. From up close he's sort of cute, but his eyes scream deadly. The woman giggles and says something to him, but I blocked it out.

'How could I get away with this? I didn't know my quirk could do that kind of damage...What if they'll make a machine to stop me from speaking ever again?! I can't let them do that!'

We walk through the front entrance, doors slide to the sides and inside it almost looks like a hospital. Maybe more plants here and there, and less dead people, anyway. The two ments push me to the front desk, "Tell the boss we've got her." The desk lady nods and picks up a phone, dialing boss.

They then take me to an interrogation room, inside there's a table, two chairs and the old fashioned two-sided window on the left side. I sit down and the woman locks my handcuffs on my chair. "Go wait behind the door." The man says to the other ment. She walks out and closes the door behind her.

This man... he looks extremely familiar. Those scars around his jaw and under his eyes look like burnt skin. I've definitely seen him somewhere. His blue orbs stare at me from the other side of the table. "What are you going to do to me?"

His cold stare sends chills down my spine, "You will be put in a cell for a few weeks, there's someone you have to meet..." The fact he didn't finish his sentence makes me weary. To meet who? The boss?

"So why are we here then?" The man puts his arms on the table and intertwines his hands together, heaving a sigh. He then glances at the two-sided window and blinks rapidly. Standing up, he starts to leave."Hey! Uncuff me!" He keeps walking. "Hey! Are you listening?" I struggle under the tight grip of the cuffs. My eyes dart behind me, at his tall figure. He then takes a glance back at me.

"There'll be an officer coming to speak with you. Don't tell him you spoke with me." His sly smirk made me change my mind, I won't tell a soul.

But why did that happen? Why did I just commit to not tell a soul? It's because of his eyes, they look so familiar. As if this person had been beside me for years and years, but in the shadows.

I shrug that thought off and sit straight, waiting for the said officer to come and interrogate me. After a few moments a man walks in. He's wearing a nice dark blue suit and gold rimmed glasses, his hair slicked to the side. He sits in front of me.

I also noticed his hand, he's holding his right hand behind himself. He's holding something. "Hello, love. Pleased to meet you." He says as he takes my hand and kissed the back of it. His British accent seeming fluent. I cock an eyebrow.

"Hey...?" With a smile he takes the item from his back and shows it to me.

"You'll need to wear this." The item looks like a metal hoop, the inside of it had two wires along the whole hoop. It seems it can be opened, possibly to put on one's neck.

"What is this?" I ask. I know what it is, I just need clarification.

"This is a machine to stop you from using your quirk. It stops your vocal cords to go above high-pitch, if you do - it'll zap you and your cords will get damaged the more you use them." Wow, he seems like an expert, but don't policemen usually have an IQ lower than 80?

"Sure." The policeman flinches slightly. Looks like he isn't used to this kind of stuff.

"Are you serious?" He leans back, surprised.

"I mean, yeah. As long as I can leave this place... it's giving me the hibbe jibbies." His eyebrows go sky-high. He really needs to stop doing that. "Look," I say leaning forward."I didn't use my quirk to hurt others on purpose. I didn't even know I had a quirk, I thought I'd just been singing, that's all."

He smiles at me, a weird smile. He leans in and puts the machine around my neck. The metal is cold and the wires from the inside are uncomfortably pressing against my skin. It isn't heavy, per say, just need to get used to it. "Sadly, I can't let you leave early, you have to stay here for at least a month. Go through therapy to make sure you're sane."

So...no meeting the boss? I thought that's mostly why I'm here. The last guy seemed to only talk about said person. I heave a deep sigh, what will everyone else think? They have no idea I'm here right now.

What will Eijiro think? Will he leave me...? Because I'm a criminal?

I certainly hope not.

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