#39 Leave

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"John Constantine." A dazzling smile accompanies his name. I smile back.

"Nice to meet you, John. My name is-" A wave of dizziness runs through my mind. I begin to lose balance, my vision blurs and black dots appear and disappear randomly. I feel a pair of strong arms hold me.

"Hey! Hey, are you okay?" His voice is faint, like under water. I try to breathe calmly.

In, then out.

My knees weaken and I fall to the dirty ground, my neck begins to become cold as ice. I hear... gibberish. Some kind of words being repeated a few times. Closing my eyelids I suddenly feel warmth on my forehead, most likely his fingers.

The smell of cigarettes doesn't leave my nostrils.

He, John, lays my head lightly after folding his coat into a little pillow. I breathe out. Suddenly, most of the pain goes away. I open my eyes and see...

Kacchan pushes John away, screaming something at him. "Stay away from her!" was the only thing I could make out from my current condition. From the corner of my eye I see Yaoyorozu run to me, cupping my face in horror.

"Wha...what happened?" her broken voice makes me sad, I rarely saw her like this, so it's depressing to relive this in a moment of my most possible peril. I see John look towards me, obvious annoyance in his eyes.

"Oh, piss off, you wanker!" he slurs at Kacchan, which made him even more pissed. Kacchan then swings his fist to John's nose. For a second there, I think I saw blood run from his mouth. My heart beats in an abnormal pace, I try to stand up and break the fight, but Hitoshi and Kirishima come to the rescue.

Shinsou and Eijiro grip both of Kacchan's arms, pulling him away from John Constantine. Their struggle is extremely visible. Both of the heroes try to calm the angry blond down, but it seems to be to no avail. John wipes the dripping blood from his lip, with a focused glare he swings back at Kacchan, punching him back at his jaw. Kacchan leans backwards from the force.

I separate both of them by standing in the middle of the fight. "My knees are barely functioning as it is and now both of you suckers try to annoy me?" I glare at Katsuki, huffing, trying to keep my posture, but the cold on my neck seems to keep spreading.

"You have to lie down, love, you're severely hurt." John lightly puts his hands on my shoulders and leads me back to his coat. I hear Katsuki click his tongue behind my back. And that ticks off Kirishima.

"Are you fucking serious right now? You're fucking jealous? Can't you see she's hurt?!" I have never heard Eijiro shout at anyone, I believe, but there's a first to everything, right? "Now calm the hell down and let her heal." He and Shinsou finally let go of Bakugou, letting him cool down. John begins to explain,

"We can't calm hell down, it's been trying to escape since... uhm. Well, since a while ago." Constantine opens his man purse as he explains the situation. "Those nasty buggers were demons and they will continue to try to get you."

Tsu and Momo gasp in despair and I know why... seeing monsters like those creatures could really put a trauma on you. Kaminari suddenly pops in, "But why us?" John takes out some sort of serum out of the purse and opens it up, a stinky smell reaches me from it.

"Still trying to figure that out. But it is quite possible that someone summoned them and ordered to kill all of ya." I close my eyes from the sudden pain. Constantine spilled the serum onto my neck and it started to sting, like alcohol on an open wound. I can't help but chirp in,

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