#9 Katsuki...

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Katsuki's POV

~After school~

What the fuck... why did she say that?

That bitch. Lying to me straight in the face...

I walk the quiet streets of the city, quietly not admiring my surroundings. Only weaklings admire shit. I reach my dorm room and walk inside, after unlocking the door. I violently throw my bag on the couch and jump on it myself, turning on the TV. After about 5 minutes of uncontrollable scrolling through channels I land on one that suits my tastes. Fucking John Wick to the win baby!

I'm not going to waste my time on that whore, (Y/n).



What the fuck have you done to me?

~3rd Person POV~

Katsuki quietly watches John Wick, one of his most favorite action movies that he always watches to get his mind off of things. And in this situation, it's (Y/n).

Katsuki doesn't know what he thinks about (Y/n), nor why he even thinks about her, but there's this... weird... thing floating in his heart, just waiting to be released. It's as if his heart is a gigantic aquarium and in it is just a little fish. A little fish that doesn't know where it is or what it is there for.

[don't worry, it's not Nemo]

This feeling is really pissing him off and ruining the movie so Katsuki turns off the TV and goes to his room, jumping on the warm bed sheets. He nuzzles his face deep in the double sized pillow that is.. seriously too big and he then turns on his back.

Katsuki's pale white ceiling is really fucking boring, he has nothing else to do.

What to do... what to do....

The boy thinks.

Guess I should go for a run.

Quickly changing into his workout attire he speeds through all the doors in his apartment and enters outside. The cool air hitting him like a truck, Katsuki runs by the sidewalk, breathing in and out heavily.

He runs for a while until reaching the same park where he an (Y/n) hung out. He runs through the gravel covered path, the leaves moving from a light breeze and falling down by Katsuki. After a little bit he reaches a river with a bridge over it. The boy runs to it and stops at the top.

And for the first time in forever, he admires the beautiful sunset, quietly shining over him and the park. Different colors of oranges and reds color the sky, a couple of clouds here and there. Katsuki leans on the railing on the bridge and looks down at the river, a few fish swimming by past the boy and bridge. Numerous colors color the familiar fish and the water looks as if dancing with those stains of rainbow.

Suddenly, another head pops up from the reflection of the river, startling Katsuki. He quickly jerks his head to the person and an immediate reaction leaving him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" The ash-blond haired boy demands. The person pats Katsuki's back in comfort.

"Dude, stop being so rude all the time.." Kirishima answers. Bakugou scoffs and turns back to the sunset, a couple of sweat drops rolling down one side of his face. "So, you heard too, right?" The 'shitty-haired' boy questions. Katsuki looks over towards him and cock an eyebrow.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about (Y/n)." as Kirishima said those words Katsuki felt a wave of heaviness run over his, now vulnerable, heart. "You miss her, don't you?" This caught Bakugou off guard, as to wondering what he meant. "(Y/n)." then it all became clear. If everyone else noticed what the ash-blond boy felt for the girl, then there was a high chance that (Y/n) also knew. But how...?

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