#35 Dear Future Husband

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(Y/n)'s POV


It's been two weeks, four days, 17 hours and 53 minutes since they locked me up here. The warm but not so comfortable cushions became grayer than when I first got them. I pull my hands up behind my head and lay in a comfortable position, staring at the ceiling.

Since those two weeks and four days only one person has come to visit me, Eijiro. I close my eyes and try to re-imagine how it all went down, feeling boredom overwhelming me.

I hesitantly walk inside the visit room, looking around I see other jail-cellars, sitting at tables, scattered around and chatting with their friends, family. My eyes wander, looking for whoever came to visit me. Rob, the guy always standing by my jail cell, didn't say much about whom it was or what they looked like, so I imagined the worst. Kacchan...Kacchan...Kacchan...

I spot a figure shoot up and wave towards me. This particular room was quite large in size, at least 12 meters in length, so I can't quite make out the face of my visitor, but his hair stands out to which I almost cry, thanking he didn't re-dye it back to black.

"Eijiro!" I start to sprint towards him, trying not to touch any of the tables or chairs. He stands up and extends his arms out for a hug. I jump at him and pull him to the ground with myself. We giggle at each other, sharing a kiss, which he immediately stops.

"Missed me that much?" He smiles at me, his sunset orbs locking with mine. I shake my head in his chest, giggling. "Oh wow, I'm hurt." He pushes me away to stand up. We both take a seat. "So, how've you been?" I intertwine my hands with his and smile straight at him, trying to imply that everything is fine, but I missed him so so much.

"I've been surprisingly great, how about you?" his eyes scream concerned, but he smiles anyways. I feel my heart quench,

'Don't you dare think I can't take care of myself here.'

"I've been good..." Eijiro's voice now seems...brittle. I squeeze his hands harder, trying not to dig my nails into his palms.

"What's wrong..? Honey?" He looks down, trying to avoid eye contact. He let's go of my hands and suddenly I feel cold,

'What's up with him?'

"I'm leaving you..." I freeze. I feel my head begin to empty of all of my thoughts. My eyes wide and changing in color,

Blue, red, purple, green and then... gray.


I feel nothing.

Eijiro reaches his hand to his wrist and unclips a watch that I gave him. That watch belonged to my dad, he left it at home before the accident. And now I'm being given the same item and being left alone once again. He lightly throws it closer to me and stands up, the chair under him - screeching.

And with his last glance he turns around, his broad shoulder make him look grand and me - miniature. I quickly stand up, stuffing the watch into my pocket and running after him.

"Eijiro, please no!" I reach out to him, but am pulled back by two guards, one of them being Rob. I struggle under their grip, but I still try to reach for him, my only support in this cruel world. "Please don't leave me!" He stops. I try to compose myself, but the tears at the tips of my eyes wanted to be free and so they were, he starts to speak,

"Then think carefully about the things you do while I have my back turned to you." And he's gone. I fall to my knees, tears constantly running down my red cheeks.

Rob tried to comfort me, but I stayed silent. He tried to make me go back to my cell, but I stayed silent.

With little left determination Rob insisted me to get on his back so he could get me back to my cell.

I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper an small and cracked ,,Thank you" into his ear. He didn't say anything, because he didn't need to and I was glad for that.

I sit up from my bed and lean against the wall, looking towards my table. On it sits a small journal, a few writing pens and pencils, a bottle of water, a picture of me and my friends and my dad's watch. I move over to the table and sit down beside it, taking the watch into my dirty hands. The black leather is worn, the glass scratched and cloudy, but I can still see the time. I turn the watch over to look at the back of it and read an engraving that my mom made.

"To a loving husband and father, with love - your family."

I feel tears starting to store back at the tips of my eyes.

You have no idea how much I miss him.

I start to hear familiar steps from behind my cell door. I put my watch down and open up my journal, acting as if I've been drawing this whole time. In comes Rob.

His face is lit up with glee, opposite to mine, which looks like I've just been pummeled.

"Hey, you've got mail." I, quite noticeably, giggle at his sentence, remembering the meme I watched a while back. "The address was from a few blocks away from your house, the sender is Izuku Midorya." I nod to him, smiling and thanking for bringing it to me.

Rob hands me a small box, on which is written the sender's address and name.

'Why did Izuku send me a package?'

I rip open the top, seeing a letter inside it and a book. The book is called ,,Dear Future Husband." By Cristin O'Keafe Aptrowicz.

'Very appropriate Izuku, very appropriate, thanks.'

I put the book down beside my journal and open up the letter, unfolding the paper I see some scribbled out words. His unattractive writing hasn't changed since high school. I start to read the letter, giggling at Izuku's formalities.

My dearest, (Y/n) (L/n)

How have you been handling in prison?

We heard the news from Kacchan, that they chased you and found you hiding at his place.

We really hope you're okay!

Best of luck for you from Uraraka, me and our newborn son!

Izuku Midorya


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