#29 Future Plans

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A doorbell at some door rings, "Ura, can you get that?" (Y/n) calls out to her friend.

"I'm coming!" She shouts loud enough for the person behind the door to hear. Ochaco flings open the front door, squealing from happiness. She and Momo hug, giving each other their "hey"s and "how's it going"'s. Tsu and Mina greet Momo, waving their hands synchronically. The boys only hum, nodding their head to say hi. (Boys: Shinsou, Eijiro, Denki, Iida, Shoto and Midorya)

Momo looks around, her face beaming with delight as she takes off her coat, "Where's that party animal?" The wide smirk on her face was very visible, the crowd noticed. To be honest, it's surprising how this huge group of people even fit in the, at first glance, small living room.

"Ya lookin' for me, girl?" (Y/n) shouts from the other space behind the wall, a plate of pie in hand. Momo runs to (Y/n)'s (tall/short) figure and embraces her in a warm hug. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Slow down! And be careful!"

"I missed you, (Y/Nick) [nickname]!" (Y/n) lets out a heavy sigh, remembering the stupid nickname that was given to her.

"Missed you too, Mo."


"Yup! We made a business! It's a small one right now, but I'm sure we're happy with what we have." Izuku happily states while sliding his hand around Ochaco's waist. An idea immediately pops into his head; he leans towards Ura's ear and whispers something. The whole group mentally questions what the two are secretly talking about at a moment like this. Ura silently gasps from surprise,

"Really? Are you sure?" Deku nods with a small hum and a wide smile. Ura swallows a hard gulp of apple juice and heaves a heavy sigh, gathering up all of her courage.

Some of the girls become slightly worried, what was the bubbly woman about to say that needed to be thought out through? Ochaco clenches her eyes in fear of the other's reactions.

"I'm pregnant!" Suddenly, (Y/n)'s drink falls to the ground and spills. She runs to Ura and embraces her in a big bear hug.

"Congratulations!" All of the girls scream in unison. Some of the guys were even impressed. All of us were. Wasn't it too early for a family?

It has been only 3 years since graduation.

(Y/n) feels so happy for Ura, the bubbly girl always wanted to be with Deku, and Izuku wanted to be with Uraraka. The couple feels happy, overfilled with joy as their loved ones congratulate them for their upcoming difficulties.

(Y/n) always dreamed of a family, a family she could take care of. Unlike her tragic back story. Having children and an amazing, loving husband was always her dream... then, she thought of Katsuki.

What.... Happened to him?

(Y/n) had called him hundreds of times, but he ignored her. She tried reaching him in other ways, but since she left U.A. the connection sort of broke. She could either go to his house or ask her friends about him. And she did, she really did, but.... It seemed their relationship ended right when it started.

Living alone (Y/n)'s social experience suffered. Even if she did work at the restaurant. Her schedule was full and so was her friend's. Since they became heroes there became less and less time for them to spend together and so that's where this day comes in.

(Y/n) looks around the room, wide smiles are on her friends' faces and she loves that. They're happy, that's all she needs to know.

But there are still things stuck at the back of her head, like the day Katsuki cut ties with her, also known as the day she and Kacchan became a 'thing'. She called him several times, but he avoided her. She shrugged it off and left for work, but upon coming back the costume she wanted to give back to Kacchan, was gone.

It's phenomenal yet scary. Her worthlessness and fear still resides inside her, but her friends were the only motivation to keep it together.

Something sparked in Deku and he decided to build his own little hero school. It's a small business right now, but all of us are hoping it will be as great as U.A. one day. From what Ura told everyone, she joined only because of their soon to be newborn.

Now, as cliché as it might sound Momo and Todoroki got married a few weeks before today. Their wedding was just spectacular. With Momo being rich and all she went a little overboard with decorations.

Shinsou is still a solo man, but he's made much more friends, that's why I invited him here. Looking at him now, he's got bulkier, I heard that he's taking private training classes with Aizawa, even after graduation.

Eijiro and Denki didn't seem to do much, aside from being the usual dorks that they are. They recently started to go to college, did collage things. Nothing particularly interesting.

Iida, on the other hand, started to go to a University. Of course, he's at the top of his class, every subject. Looking at him now, he's a real catch. I heard him mention some 'girl from work' which is probably either his crush or girlfriend.

Tsu continued working with the Oki Manier Crew, so all in all they're doing great. Even (Y/n).

The ignorance she got from Katsuki made her turn over a new leaf. She moved on, yet her feelings didn't, somehow. Even a mention of Katsuki made her heart clench and tears threaten to spill. But she keeps it together.

Ochaco's giggle brings (Y/n)'s thought process back to the main event.

"What names did you guys pick?" The cute couple share glances towards each other. A few seconds of thought and Deku replies,

"Well, we thought if it was a girl then we would name her after Ura's mother's na-"

Now, at this very moment, everything seemed fine. All of us are happy, smiling. But then.... Everything goes blank. Eijiro pulls out his phone and leans it to his ear,

"Hello?" everyone continues to talk about different things, but Eijiro walks to the front door and walks out for some privacy. After opening the door and walking through, before he could close it...

A loud thud is heard that reaches the living room, Hitoshi's instinct kicks in as he sprints to the entrance and finds Eijiro on the ground, his phone lying next to him. The purple haired man checks for Kirishima's pulse.

"His heart is beating, but very slowly. He needs to go to the hospital." Hitoshi moves his hand from Eijiros neck and takes the phone. (Y/n) covers her eyes and whimpers.

"Not again, not again, not again..." Iida runs to (Y/n)'s rescue and hugs her tightly, comforting her by slowly caressing her hair and turning (Y/n)'s peripheral vision away.

"(Y/n) don't look! Promise me you wont look!" The others also turn away, unable to look at such a horrid scene.

As Hitoshi puts the phone closer to his ear he hears a high pitched sound, which immediately stings his eardrums. Moving it away the sound slowly fades as the caller ends the call. Shinsou inspects the caller's ID.

"Private Number..."


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