#31 Love Me or Leave Me

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3rd Persons POV

"Fuck, fuCK, FUCK!" (Y/n) screams as she exits her household quickly, her bag over her shoulder slumpily."This wasn't supposed to happen, this wasn't supposed to happen! Fuck all alarm clocks!" Her legs start to feel heavy after some time. Knees weak and feet sting.

Finally feeling the end, that she won't be able to run anymore, (Y/n) jumps up and starts floating, raven wings burst out of her back, as she, now, speeds through the air. Holding her backpack tightly she squints her eyes from the velocity she's flying at. Suddenly regretting that she decided to wear a skirt this fairly beautiful morning.

Above the city she looks down, the buildings now small, people too (Y/n) smiles to herself, feeling powerful once again.

Looking back forward she sees a flock of crows. Humming a random melody she speeds up to them and flies beside. The birds seem to not be bothered by her being side-by-side to them, so she turns down and flies straight towards the ground. Her speed is unrecognizable! People from down the street notice her flying over them, wondering random thoughts.

(Y/n) finally gets to her bar and slams open the front door, the doorbell over her head almost cracking. People already inside immediately turn their head towards the awkward woman as she shrugs her rude action off. Quickly hanging her coat on her new hanger she sprints through the bar/café, looking around.

'Seems like Monoma did a great job with cleaning up.' The girl thinks, smiling to herself.

She bursts through her office door and stumbles in, falling face first. Lin-Manuel is sitting at her chair, looking through some sort of papers, possibly documents. Standing back up and dusting off her costume she turns to the floor-to-ceiling wardrobe and opens it up, pulling out a pair of heels and a small black box.

The man glances over towards the woman and chuckles, a wide smile on his face as always. He turns to the clock on the wall, "Wow, only 27 minutes late. New record." He happily states.

"Don't sass me." (Y/n) jerks her head to him, pouting.

"What is it this time?" Looking away she covers her eyes with a clothed mask which was stored in the small box.

"Alarm." Hurriedly putting her heels on (Y/n) runs back through the door, leaving her bag on the floor, beside the table.

Being the boss is awesome, but (Y/n) insisted to be the waitress. She knew she needed more social experience, since her meet with Kacchan. That awkward moment made her realise how actually stupid people are.


The past few hours have been great! The people here are absolutely stunning. Although, they might be here for one reason. (Y/n) had asked Neito to spread posters around the city. It read something like this,

"COME TO [THIS ADRESS] AND MEET FACE-TO-FACE WITH SMITHY A.K.A CASSANDRA SMITH, THE ASTONISHING SINGER! BE THERE ON SATURDAY, 20:00!!", or something like that. She wasnt the one to design the poster.

Lin-Manuel suggested that hiring a singer at the bar would bring more customers, which did, and on a later date maybe even comedians or band members.

Also, not very fun fact, hiring Cassandra cost us a fortune. I could probably buy myself three apartments in the top 3 hotels in the world. Damn celebrities.

But if that's what people want...

Anyway, looking at another clock on the wall (Y/n) sees that it's 20:09 and Lin hasn't told her anything about the famous singer coming. She shrugs it off as maybe her being late and continues to serve her customers.

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