#38 Demon Hunter

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I'm the last one to walk out of the café. My heart can't stop beating at an unordinary rate, the tension between everyone is unholy. I try to dart my eyes away from Kacchan and Eijiro, all of the time while we were silently chatting and drinking, I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. Now, I don't know who was looking at me, but I have a feeling it's one or the other.

The neon lights all around the street blind my vision, as I try to keep up with our little group. I have no idea where we are going. Momo said something about a chill place for us to ,,cool down", I know she meant me and the guys, but it's still unsettling, their glances.

After a little while we reach a park, one I had never known about 'till now. Lights aligned on both sides of the sidewalk light our path as we see a lake in the far distance, shining from the moon's light.

As we reach the lake the girls take out little plaids they brought with them, some of the guys too. A couple of us sit down on Momo's huge plaid and under the worst circumstances Kacchan sits beside me. I look into the distance, trying to rid my mind of the nervousness me and the guys have created.

When was the last time I enjoyed a little calmness?

I lay down, looking straight up at the shining little dots, shimmering above my broken but stable body. I close my eyes for a second, trying to take in as much of cool air as I can. Something shifts beside me. I slightly part my eyelids and turn, seeing Kacchan lying calmly beside me. I tense up and quickly sit up-right.

I am not going to lie next to that douche bag.

"What's wrong? Scared?" He smugly whispers behind my back. I feel two pairs of eyes on me now. One of which is Eijiro, but the other one... it isn't from behind me, where Kacchan is, but in front of me, as if on the other side of the lake. I scrunch my nose.

"Yeah, right..." I roll my eyes, even though the night's darkness blinds everyone from it. I look back in front of me, hugging my legs. Everything beyond the lake is dark, almost invisible. Hitoshi nudges my arm, as he scotches in between me and Kacchan.

"Hey!" Kacchan lightly screams as he tries to push Shinsou out of the way. Hitoshi looks back at him with an unamused face.

"Stop harassing her, if you're so jealous of her awesome demeanor then you should rather learn than shame." I widen my eyes, mouth agape.

I never would have expected that from him of all people...

I shake my head, trying to dismiss his words. They keep on arguing, throwing random words here and there. I try to focus on the scenery, rather than their little girly fight.

The lake shines, making my eyes drown in bliss. I blink and see a shadow on the other side of the lake, standing out of the darkness. I lightly gasp.

Its eyes... are bloodshot red, looking straight into the pits of my soul. I feel a chill run up my spine as hair on my neck and hands stands up. The figure seems to look like a statue, but I definitely would've seen it earlier, when we came here and I hell for sure know that statues don't have glowing eyes.

I put a hand on Shinsou's shoulder and he turns to me, stopping mid sentence with Kacchan. He follows my gaze to the other side of the lake, but doesn't see anything. "What is it?" The statue-like figure moves closer to the lake. "(Y/n)?" I point my finger towards the statue, my eyes wide, filled with terror.

The statue then starts running to the left of it in hell knows what kind of speed. It no longer seems human. "Guys..." now everyone looks at me and then to the moving thing. They seem to stop whatever they were doing, in no motion.

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