#1 First Day

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You, the reader, are (Y/n) (L/n). You're 16 and you live in a world full of heroes. While 80% of them are actually worth something, the other 20%, and by that I mean you, are not. You were born quirkless.

It's not like your parents had really bad quirks... Oh, wait! They did.

Your mother had sort of a siren quirk, by that, I mean she can sing and take control of whoever hears her voice. You didn't know your father because he was never home, but by what your mother told you he had a jumping sort of quirk. The name speaks for itself. They weren't heroes because they didn't attend good schools and you could really see that rookie vibe coming off of them.

Unfortunately, while you were just a little, defenseless girl your family died in a car crash, yet for some reason you couldn't cry. You wanted to, but you couldn't.

You love them more than anything in the world, and yet you couldn't.

Time passed as you tried to survive with the cruel world in which no one needs a worthless being like you. You hated yourself for that. For being here.

You wandered the empty streets for ages and soon enough, a man in a suit with different shades of green walked up to you.

"Hello there, little one. Would you like to make yourself useful?" his words stabbed your heart, but he said it in such a nice and calming tone, also giving you a smile. You smile back and nod at the strange man. He takes your little hand in his and you two walk to the unknown.


Oh, and how you hated that decision.

The man you've grown to know was a military soldier and he took you in, because he needed test subjects for a new experiment. And how you've grown up to hate it.

To not make the other 20% of the human population worth something, they decided to try and create quirks. They've tried so so many times. Almost seemed as if it was too many. Your body couldn't take it anymore, it's been 5... maybe 8 years? You don't have the strength to remember anymore.

And so, one day, you couldn't take any of that anymore.

You use every single drop of hope and energy into escaping, and somehow... you did. You did eventually escape the horrid place called ,,hope for the world".The fresh air never smelled better.

You walked around the streets of the city for a couple of weeks now and it looked like lady luck was on your side, you found a job. It was just enough to get yourself proper meals and a place to stay. Granted, the place wasn't as good as the dumpster, but you managed. You worked countless hours, worked overtime just so you could properly live a life you lost. And one day, something arrived at your door.

A newspaper in which was written all about the high school U.A.. A high school for teenagers with skill and power.

And when we're talking about power, you've got a lot of it.

You signed up, magically got on the list of high schoolers who passed, you having the point value of 58 points. Most of them - rescue points. You didn't know how to feel.

Why did you even do this...?

You have no skill, you're worthless, nothing.


Maybe you don't have a quirk, but you do have power.


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