Mara's Spaceship: Bow/Adora more

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Adora then said, "Okay, question one, Do you currently have a crush on someone? A. No. B. yes. C. Possibly or D. I don't think so." She waited until everyone was ready again. 

At the end of the quiz Adora read, "If you got all A's you have no crush and are possibly lonely. If not lonely, you just haven't met anyone yet."

She continued. "If you got All B's, you're crushing so hard. Do you love this person?" 

"If you got all C's, Stop over thinking. Sort out your problems and ask that person out!" 

"If you got all D's, You're unsure of either yourself or others. It might be time to do some soul searching.  

"Glimmer, what did you get?" Frosta asked her. Glimmer did not want to lie to her, but she showed her. Frosta jumped up and hopped in place. Her happy shrill filled the room. "Who do you love? Is it Bow? Who else . . . SeaHawk?" 

"Frosta, please stop!" Glimmer begged. 

Bow felt a jolt of something inside of him. "Frosta, leave her alone." 

"What'd you get, Bow?" She asked, hands on hips. 


Frosta looked back and forth. "I wonder . . . are you thinking of each other or someone else?" 

Bow stood up. "One silly quiz won't lead you to your soulmate. I'm gonna go study." He left the room and Adora picked up the paper he'd dropped. There were stars all over it. 

"Glimmer, show me your answers." Adora said and Glimmer held up her paper. "Umm . . ." Adora started. He'd drawn stars on his and there were two arrows on hers. 

Frosta snatched both of them. 

"Hey!" Adora and Glimmer said together. 

Frosta's eyes lit up. "You and Bow love each other!" 

Glimmer laughed. "So what if I drew arrows on my paper. It means nothing." She lied and went to throw it away. "I'll be right back." Glimmer teleported out of the room. 

Frosta ran to get the paper. 

"Drop it." Adora told her. 

Frosta started to cry. 

Adora didn't know how to deal with kids. "Okay fine. Just put it away before she comes back." 

Frosta wiped her fake tears and shoved the papers into her coat. 

The next day in the Crimson Waste. 

It took over two hours to pull the ship out and get it on the ship Mermista and SeaHawk had brought. Netossa had wrapped some of her nets around it for protection after they had gotten it out of the sand. Perfuma used her vines to wrap it securely and move it onto the ship.

"We'll meet you in Bright Moon when we can." Mermista told the alliance. 

SeaHawk smiled. "It was quite the adventure pulling this ship out." 

Mermista laughed to herself, crossed her arms and shook her head. He crossed his own arms and mimicked her. She walked away trying to not laugh out loud. Ugh . . . STOP being so damn cute! She thought to herself. 

"You can't tell me they don't like each other." Bow said, watching Mermista and SeaHawk carefully. 

Frosta was near him. "I think they secretly love each other. You weren't there when my ballroom was falling apart. They were holding onto each other for dear life. I saw them as my guards were guiding me away so I could go to my runestone and save my kingdom." 

She continued, "I don't think Mermista is the type to kiss and tell. She likes her love life private as possible. That's just my observation of her. Now SeaHawk would gladly shout it to the world." She ended with a laugh. 

Bow was agreeing with her. "You like to people watch, huh?" 

"Gives me something to do when I'm super bored." She turned to him. "Like you and Glimmer. Are you ever gonna tell her that you like her?" 

"Of course I like her, Frosta, she's my best friend." He said. 

"We both know what I mean, Bow. Stop hiding it and just tell her." Frosta said, "Ugh! Teenagers!" She took out the quiz papers she had hidden in her coat and shoved them at him. "Look at these." 

Bow looked at the papers. One was his the other was Glimmer's. She had two arrows on hers and stars on his. He folded them and stuffed them into his left shoe. His feelings for her were mixed. He wasn't sure what to do or say. He decided for now that he'd just keep this a secret.

It was a while before SeaHawk and Mermista made it to Bright Moon. Even with her guiding the sea beneath them. She didn't want to risk going  too fast. They parked their boat on the edge of the Singing River. Mermista dove off and made sure the anchor was secure with the earth. She moved the water to seperate it and make a barrier. The water flowed out instead of in. Then the boat sat on earth only. 

The others had been waiting for them for over two hours. "Sorry it took so long. Just had to be careful ya know." Mermista told them. She looked at Spinerella and Perfuma. "How do you wanna get it off?" 

Perfuma jogged over. "Let me try it alone." She wrapped her vines around the ship, but it was extremely heavy. "Spinerella, I need you!" 

Spinerella came over. "I'll put wind under it. Hold it steady and be ready to move the ship." Working together they got it onto land with ease. 

Bow came over as SeaHawk got out a knife to cut the nets off the ship. 

"Please be careful with it!" Adora said, coming over with Glimmer. 

As soon as the nets were off Adora went inside and showed everyone around. 

"It's so tragic to see it so bare." Mermista said. "Those waste people are awful." 

"Tell me about it!" Glimmer said with a sigh. "I don't like remembering that trip." Those damn poisoned darts had been the worst.  

Adora showed them Mara's hologram. "There has to be more secrets locked in here." 

"And we'll all help you find them out!" Glimmer told her with a big smile. 

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