"Let's play some video games!" Elsword exclaimed just as the front door clicked shut.

"But didn't Lowe just say we should rest?" I reminded him. I held myself back from smiling at the irony. Here I was lecturing my friend about getting a good night's rest when I can barely manage sleep myself.

"Sleep can wait," Elsword said, already shuffling his way toward the gaming console. "I won't rest until I finally beat Raven in a match."

Raven smiled at his comment," looks like we'll be up all night." He chuckled.

"Chung, you wanna play?" Elsword asked.

Eve popped back into the room and settled herself down again. Her black and white drones settled themselves on the floor by her feet.

Chung shook his head," I'm feeling pretty tired tonight. I think I'll take Lowe's advice and sleep early."

"O-oh," Elsword's voice dropped in disappointment. "W-well you better play with us next time."

Chung shrugged," maybe."

Without another word, Chung got up and proceeded up the stairs. No one said a thing as he made his exit.

"So are you losers playing or what?" Aisha was the first to break the silence.

Snapping out of his daze, Elsword booted up the console and switched on the television," Raven, you're so gonna lose." Elsword bounced excitedly back to his seat with two controllers in hand.

Raven grinned amusedly," we'll see about that."


Elsword stood no chance against Raven, but that alone didn't cease his determination to beat him. Eventually Raven purposely lost to satisfy Elsword's goal. We promptly headed to bed after the game finished; well, everyone but I went to bed.

Despite my fatigue I refused to sleep early, the longer I stay awake the longer I'm away from those memories.

The house was silent. Only the sounds of chirping crickets and croaking frogs could fill in the void. Not wanting to spend hours alone in my room, I crept out of my room and down the stairs, making sure to walk on my tippy toes.

I took in a lungful of cold air as I stepped into the patio, a white mass was curled at the center. I held my breath as the Phoru sprung its head up, ears stretched at my sudden entry. Once its eyes landed on me, its ears relaxed.

I smiled at the Phoru and tip toed toward it," I see you're still here," I said, taking a seat beside it.

The Phoru yawned, revealing its pearly fangs, before dropping its head down again. I whispered my new friend a goodnight and averted my eyes out to the forest.

A curtain of shadows veiled the woodlands and its creatures, hiding both the demons and symphony of crickets. I mindlessly pointed my eyes up at the starry sky, my head swimming with thoughts.

I wonder when this Phoru will turn on us, it is one of them. Then again, wouldn't that mean I'll turn on my friends as well? Should I be allowed to stay here; to live with these people?

I played with the golden necklace hanging from my neck," mom, I wish you were here." I whispered softly to myself. "You'd know what to do. Y-you always know what to do."

I blinked, vision blurring from the tears.

I snapped out of my thoughts at the shuffling noise behind me, the Phoru stirred from its slumber and growled," e-easy there big buddy." Elsword's voice sounded. "I only came to check up on you, Ara."

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now