Match-up #6

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I've got long wavy blonde hair, I have large blue and gray eyes, I've got freckles, I'm pale, and am kinda short. I'm a nerd, I adore history, I speak some other languages, horror movies, knowledge, and music are my life, I'm from backwoods Georgia, and idk I'm just gonna add this ig if it'll help but since we're all southern/Russian military people in my house I'm training for the navy XD

I am going to pair you with Leatherface. He would absolutely adore your southernness and your freckles. You knowledge of the backwoods would make him better understand you and your boldness would intrigue him. 

(((Also your description reminds me of myself to a T so we would be best friends just so you know lol. Your physical description is also mine even though I have brown hair and not blonde)))

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