Chapter thirty-seven

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Chapter thirty-seven: The hate conversation

Toby had his cornor with the 'pet me' sign. The room was already halfly full and it was a very large room. Nightmare sat on his throne with Cross happy on Nightmare's lap.

Some random girl with a dark purple dress and short hair went over to Toby and gave Toby a treat saying, "Your a good boy Toby. You deserve a treat for being an amazing shiper." Then she walked off.
What a weird girl.

No many how many times Dream tried to make Killer go away and do something else, he wouldn't leave his side.
Some monsters and humans came over to Dream and complemented his dress. Killer had to keep telling Dream  not to say anything mean by elbowing him.

"I hate every living thing on this planet." Dream huffed, "Even me and Toby?" Killer raised an 'eyebrow', "Every living thing exept for Toby." Dream corrected, "But what about me?"

"My feelings."


"Why are you so mean to me?" Killer whined, "Because I am and I can." Dream stared forward not even taking a glance at Killer. "Oh my stars Killer is that you?" Someone yelled before Killer was tackled down. "Get off." Killer said pushing who ever tackled him. "As you wish," The two got up, and you wouldn't believe who tackled him.

None other then Bee herself.

She wore a honey comb patterned dress that went down to her knees. Her hair was in a ponytail with some of her hair covering her right eye, there where tons of different flowers in it. As usual she wore her sash of poisonous flower petals.
She looked really nice.

Bee bowed in greating, "Sorry for tackling you my love. I just couldn't hold my excitement," She smiled, To Dream her smiles where an act of covering up who she really was.
"By the way Dream I like your dress." Dream wanted to strangle her but didn't because the Spring dance was a treaty.
"What are-" Bee cut Killer off.
"I'm fourth in line for the Honey kingdom. Did I ever mention that? I came here for three years to get a break from my kindom. Nightmare then put me in a cell but he didn't know that I can fade through metal." She told the two skeletons.
"That's kind of interesting." Killer said nudging Dream to speak too.

"Hey Dream may I speak to you in private, please?" Bee asked kindly, Dream looked up at Killer with a face that said, 'Killer I swear to Toby fox if you let me go alone with her I'll kill you.' Killer didn't get what Dream's face meant, obvious much?

"Come come!" Bee pulled Dream's arm, Dream looked back at Killer who was not paying attention. Bee was giggling till they got to a spot where no-one else was. She stayed quiet for a minute.

"I know what your doing. I know how to play the game." Bee said looking down her hair covering her face, "Game? I'm only playing one game and it's the game of life." Dream said confused, "No your playing a game that I'm in, a game with only one winner. Me! And do you know what that game is Dream?"
"No. Not really."
"It's the game of winning Killer's love, I was doing so well until you joined. You think that you can just dress up nice to this stupid party to win his love? No. That's not how the game works. The games going to end tonight, and I will be the only winner," She made eye contact with Dream, "Even if it means bending the rules."

"We will see Bee. We will see."

She growled turning around wacking Dream in the face with her hair then walked off. Dream only said those words to piss her off, it's not like he's actually wanting to win her 'game'. That was stupid.
Because Dream knew,

He had already won the game. unintentionally.


Dream was standing by Killer again but this time, it was Dream who wouldn't leave Killer's side.

"Dream are you okay?" Killer said looking down at the smaller with a worried expression, "I'm fine." Dream told Killer holding a tighter grip on Killer's sleeve. "Your not acting like yourself. Did Bee say something that bad to you?" Killer asked, "It's nothing you should be worrying about. Yet." Dream said 'yet' quietly.
"No Killer. I'm fine I promise."

Killer sighed in defeat, "Should we go get something to eat?" Killer asked changing the subject, Dream shrugged. "If you want to."
"Are you going to keep holding into my sleeve like that?" Killer laughed a bit, Dream nodded.
"I'm fine with that."


Bee watched Dream and Killer from a fair. What was Dream even doing is what was going through Bee's mind. Dream was just holding onto Killer not saying much. What was he planning? Nothing that you should know yet you nosy reader.

"I swear Dream. One way or another you will not win this." Bee muttered, "Heya kiddo,"

Bee turned around, a girl with a dark purple dress stood by Bee. "Sorry that I scared ya'. I couldn't help but see that you keep watching those two." She pointed at Dream and Killer, "Yeah. What's your name?" Bee tried to act friendly. "I don't feel comfortable saying my name. I know your name though, Bee right?" The girl didn't even look at Bee. "Yeah."
"Nice I got a name right. The only reason why I'm talking to you is to get your eye's off of Dream and Killer. Bye." The girl walked off, Bee looked back at Dream and Killer letting out a sigh of relief.


"Killer I want to tell you something. Follow." Dream started to pull Killer, "Wait where are we going?" Killer asked, he did receive an answer, "Dream?"
Dream stopped when they where in a cornor. Dream turned to Killer making sure he had eye contact with the other.
"I want to confess something that has plaged me for awhile now," Dream began. Dream grabbed Killer's tie pulling him closer.

"I want to say that I absolutely hate you. You annoying and clumsy. You keep saying the most obvious things. Your so oblivious that I don't know what to say. I don't know how I could have stayed by you for so long and give you the title of 'friend'. Most times I just wish for you to disappear into nothing so I can go on with my life. I hate you." Dream confessed, "I-I didn't know you um. . . . I'm sorry." Killer tried to pull away but Dream didn't let him.

Dream then did something he has been wanting to do to Killer for a long time.

Dream. . . . . . . .

Who do you think that girl is in the dark purple dress?

Hint: She likes breaking the fourth wall.


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