Chapter twenty-three

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Chapter twenty-three: Dead

Killer and Toby slipped past the guards going around the castle walls. They climbed the outer walls, Killer fell on his face a few times.

Currently they where in the huge garden place. From here they could find a door and get inside. Yes it is risky to go around a castle without being a guest, but the two had to see Dream, Killer wanted to slap him for not saying 'goodbye', Toby just wanted. . . . . Well I can't really say. That would ruin the story.

After walking for twenty minutes they found a door. It was not guarded for some reason, it only ment good news for the fox and skeleton.
The two ran over to the door pulling it open. Huh. How was it not locked?

The two walked in closing the door behind them quietly. They slowly walked hateing the fact that their footsteps echoed across the room from the marble floor.
Killer's soul skipped a beat, something slimey grabbed his ankle.
It would only get worse from there.

"Well. Looks like I've found a pest," They laughed. Killer was raised off of the ground, he yelped struggling. "If you stop moving, me ending your life won't be so painful." They said, "W-wai-" Killer was cut off, a tentical being shoved into his mouth to make his screams be muffled so no-one would come and asked whats going on.

Toby trembled in a corner out of Nightmare's vision, Nightmare having only one eye gave him a blind spot so Toby was safe.

Killer clawed at the tentical that was forcing it self down his throat choking him. It tasted horrible! Who would want this in their mouth. Cross.

Killer bit down on the tentical despite to not die. Nightmare hissed the tentical pulling out of Killer's mouth. Killer grabbed a knife from his pocket pulling himself up to his foot that was being held by Nightmare's tenticals.
Killer stabbed the tentical dragging the knife towards himself to create a nice line.
Nightmare let go of Killer's foot.

Killer hit the ground the knife flying from his hand. Killer gasped crawling over to the knife, Nightmare grabbed Killer's jacket hood pulling Killer towards Nightmare.

Nightmare picked Killer up and slammed him on the ground with a thud. A tentical pinning him down though Killer's shoulder. "I think it's about time I put you down," Nightmare stomped on Killer's hand, somehow Killer managed not to scream, it would have been better if Killer did scream.

"See you later pest." He cooed a tentical grabbed Killer's target shaped soul, squeezing it.

Enough to kill.

Nightmare smiled triumphly at Killer's limp body.


Dream held his knees to his chest rocking back and fourth wondering where Killer was.
Who knows where Killer is now.

Toby snuggled up to Dream to comfort him. "He's fine right? You wouldn't leave him if he wasn't okay. Right?" Dream looked at the fox. Toby barked once for a yes Dream smiled a bit.
"I wonder how he's doing." Dream looked up at the ceiling.


"I'm going out for a bit!" Geno yelled walking out of the castle, "K." Fresh said as he whispered something, he often did that, it was a little concerning. But he's always done that.

Geno closed the door behind himself. Often Geno would go out and walk around the borders of the village sometimes going to the forest. And rarely the grave yard.

That was where he was going tonight, the grave yard. It's rumoured that Reaper lives in the small house near the grave yard. So far Geno hasn't seen the skeleton. Hopefully not for a long time.

What fascinated Geno was the fact that nothing grows there. Not a flower or weed. It's also quiet there, you can hear nature the best there. Geno would go there to read. Reading the same book, 'Tale of Reaper' just to memorize it. But this time he didn't have the book with him.

After a ten minute walk he was at the house. It was tearing fown and looks like it could come crashing down at any given moment but it was a pretty sturty house.

Geno climed the side of the house pulling himself up ontop the roof. He stood up looking above the trees.
You could see everything from up here. Here -besides Error's cliff- you could see the stars.
Geno liked to see the lights from the village and castle. From here you could see all three kingdoms. It really took Geno's breath away everytime he saw it.

Geno leaned over the edge of the roof seeing something weird. A faint blue light in the forest. Now that's something you don't see everyday. Geno stopped leaning over the edge of the roof so he didn't fall over. When sudden scampering of a small animal rang out.

Startled Geno fell over hitting the ground. He was fine. The worst that happened was the fact that his back hurt. Geno stood up dusting himself off. "Huh?" Geno looked up a figure was in the trees watching him. That's not creepy at all.

Geno stood up strait, as he raised a 'eyebrow'. "Hello stalker." Geno said, the figure laughed a bit. "I wouldn't say that." They said, "Well your watching me constantly, makes you a stalker, stalker." Geno made a point, "I guess your right Geno." They said, mostly everyone would ask 'How do you know me?' but Geno being royal it was not surprising.

"Why do you keep stalking me?" Geno crossed his arms. "Waiting." They replied, "Waiting for what?" Geno asked. The figure stayed silent. Geno took a step forward wanting a answer. "For what?" Geno asked again, "For your time to be up." They said finally. "'Time to be up'? You mean for me to be dead, I wouldn't care if I lived or died," Geno informed them.

"By the way. What's your name stalker." Geno asked them, "I'm Sa-Reaper." Reaper told him.
"Nice to see death himself."


Geno and Reaper where on the roof talking about different ways they could die.

"You could fall off the roof." Reaper said, "Unlikely that I would die though. Who was the last person you 'killed'?" Geno asked looking at Reaper. "Hm. Some skeleton in Nightmare's kingdom." Reaper told Geno.
"Correction, Nightmare and Dream's kingdom. Dream came back. Also what was the skeletons name?" Geno asked, "I have no idea actually," Reaper told Geno "He just was stuipd."

"What did they look like?" Geno looked at Reaper. "Um. Wore a blue jacket basketball shorts and pink slippers." Reaper said. "Hm. Well I don't know. I gotta get going. Fresh and Error will worry. Cya." Geno jumped off of the roof.


"What?" Geno looked at Reaper, "Can you come back tomorrow night? It gets lonely here." Reaper asked, "I'd think you would have plenty of company with all the graves here but yeah sure I'll come back tomorrow if I feel up to it. Bye stalker."


"Killer's dead?"

Yep! Might raise him from the dead.

Actually no. I have something better. Only one of my readers knows what really happened to Killer and how he's going to come back.

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