Chapter two

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Chapter two: Anonymous figures

Dream put on Toby' brand new blue collar. "Is it to tight?" Dream asked him "Or is it to loose?" Toby just scratched behind his ear with his foot. He suddenly stopped and looked up. Not at Dream of course. Dream looked around and saw no-one that looked like they'd hurt them. Toby started barking over and over again.

"Tell that animal to shut it!" A human male yelled.
"Is that a fox?" A cat monster screamed.
"I said shut it!"

The human male kicked Toby, Dream rushed over to Toby wide socketed and sat by him. Toby whimpered but got right up and started barking again. Dream felt so much rage run through him, no-one should ever hurt an animal. Dream curled his hands into fists and stood up. "Tell your stupid animal to-" Dream punched the man straight in the face, and felt no regret. He fell right on the ground and sat in shock.

Toby ran over to Dream with the bag of food in his mouth as he growled. Dream looked around, daring anyone to fight him. No one did.

Sudden shouts rang out. "Everyone run!" One person yelled "Save the children!" A monster female yelled. Soon, Dream and Toby where the only one's in the clearing. Dream looked around, not for a hiding spot, but for who everyone was running from.

Clocked figures rounded the corner. Four-four cloaked figures. They stared at Dream and Toby. Toby being protective stood infront of Dream, and growled. If they made one wrong move Dream and Toby would imedenty react. One of them took a step forwards, Toby growled louder ready to prounce on them. Dream summoned a bow and arrow and pointed it at the group.
They put there arms up. Well, all but one.

"I will shoot you." Dream said pulling the arrow back a little more. "That would be a blessing." They said "Good to know." Dream commented.

"Fell!" One whispered loudly grabbing their arm. Dream shot near their feet summoning another arrow. "You have horrorble aiming skills." Fell told him. "Wait till I shoot you in the head asshole." Dream said pointing the bow and arrow at their head.

Toby stopped growling.

Toby walked forwards to one of the cloaked figures and wagged his tail. Dream suspiciously eyed that one. "Let's get this over with. You know the drill." A different one said then smashed something on the ground. Purple-ish pink clouded Dream's view. "Toby!" Dream yelled for him before being knocked out.

I publish the first two things of this book, and get imedent good feed back!

I'm crying from happyness still! My soul just skipped a beat I swear!

Can you guess all four of the characters. You all know ones Fell. Here's a hint for one, "Purple-ish pink fumes" can you guess?

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