Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen: Lost secrets

"Don't touch anything Killer."

"I'm not Dream." Killer said walking in circles with Toby following him like a baby duck with it's mom. "Y'know Micah worked just fine before." Micah/Dream told him. "But Dream is your real name, yes?" Killer kept walking in circles. "Does not mean I go by 'Dream'. And if you call me that back at the resistance, I might as well be dead!" Micah/Dream informationd him.
"If you did get found out you could go back to your castle a fix everything. No-one fighting for food and all that good stuff." Killer said, "I'm the younger brother, I don't have to rule."

"Your twins."

"I'm a second younger."

"Still. Your worrying about yourself and not everyone else. I thought Dream worried about everyone else before himself." Killer stopped walking in circles. "I'm not Dream, Killer. I refuse to go by that name, and I'm not going back." Micah/Dream wanted nothing more but to punch Killer. "Your only thinking of yourself. . . . . . . Dream."
Micah/Dream's eye socket twitched with annoyance. He took a deep breath.

Ink walked back in the room, he closed the door behind himself. Ink walked over to Micah/Dream and hugged him again. "Why are you hugging me?" Micah/Dream looked down at Ink who hugged him tighter. "Because I missed you and you've always loved hugs." Ink held onto Micah/Dream for a moment longer before pulling away.

He rubbed behind his skull in embarrassment. "Sorry I- Oh my gosh it's a fox!" Ink's pupils shifted into stars. Toby jumped out of Killer's arms walking over to Ink who pet him.
"Ink is easily distracted. Somehow his kingdom is not in ruins." Micah/Dream meant to say that to himself. "Like yours?" Killer said.

"Shut up!" Micah/Dream yelled at Killer trying not to slap the shit out of Killer. "Don't fight please." Ink looked up at Micah/Dream and Killer. Micah/Dream looked away from Killer, crossing his arms.

"What's your name?" Ink asked Toby. "His name is Toby." Killer told Ink. "Ah. Toby Fox, Dream you always liked that name." Ink scratched behind Toby's ears.

Micah/Dream's pupils softened as he looked back at Ink. "I did, and don't call me 'Dream', call me 'Micah'." Micah/Dream told Ink, Killer rolled his pupils.
"You liked that name too. No-one else has that name in your kingdom, surprisingly Nightmare has not looked into the system. He's paying to much attention to his pet recently." Ink said rubbing Toby's back.

"Pet? You mean Cross?" Micah/Dream asked, "That's his name?" Ink asked, "I think I've meet Cross before. Only wears black and white." Killer tapped his chin.

"Yeah that's Cross," Micah/Dream looked up to the ceiling, thinking about something he needed to tell Ink. It clicked and Micah/Dream looked down at Ink. "Also Ink we need to ask you a favor." Ink looked up at Micah/Dream. "Let's hear."

Micah/Dream explained why he came to his kingdom and that they needed Ink to be a spy for the resistance on Nightmare. Ink just nodded as Micah/Dream told him. "Yeah, I can do that easily," Ink said. Ink leaned to Toby's ear whispering. Toby barked his tail wagging. "-Good!" Ink clapped standing up.

"What did you say?" Killer asked, "Just told Toby to do something for me." Ink smiled at the fox. "Whatever you said I'm afraid of." Micah/Dream said with a frisk face. "Drea- Micah, you've changed a lot since I last met you." Ink pointed out. "For the better." Micah/Dream said under his breath.

"I think it's about time we leave Ink." Killer looked at Ink. "Okay. . . . But first," Ink ran to the curtains grabbing a picture and folded it in half. Ink walked back over to Micah/Dream handing it to him, "Both of you open this when you get back home, promise?" Ink told Micah/Dream and Killer.

"Promises are meant to be broken." Micah/Dream told Ink. "Please?" Ink begged, "Fine," Micah/Dream huffed taking the photo and put it into his bag, when he noticed that his circlet was not in there. He panicked.

"Where it it?" Micah/Dream rumiged in his bag. "Where is what?" Killer asked.

"You mean this?" Ink held up Micah/Dream's circlet. Micah/Dream looked up at Ink. Imedent relief rushed though him. "Yeah that."

"I'll only give it to you if I get to call you by your real name, Dream." Ink said Micah/Dream rolled his pupils. "Yeah sure fine. Give it." Micah/Dream held his hand out. "And say please." Ink smiled, Micah/Dream put his head back for a moment then looked back at Ink. ". . . . . . Please?" Ink gave Micah/Dream the circlet, Micah/Dream put it into his bag.
Micah/Dream looked up and saw Ink staring at him. "Thanks." Micah/Dream said boredly. "Your welcome!" Ink hugged Micah/Dream.

"You may lose your chance for Killer if you don't move quickly." Ink whispered to Micah/Dream.

Ink pulled away from Micah/Dream then hugged Killer, whispering something to him, whatever Ink said, it was longer then what he told Micah/Dream. Killer looked at Micah/Dream, he wasn't looking at Killer.
"-Make your move soon,"

Ink pulled away from Killer.
Ink grabbed a key from his jacket pocket and handed it to Killer. "This will get you three across all the kingdom borders. Don't worry I have a spare." Ink smiled, "Uh. Thanks." Killer looked down at the silver key.

"Let's go." Micah/Dream said opening the door. "Bye! You three don't forget what I told you." Ink said waving at them.



Toby barked quietly.

I wrote all of this with my left hand! It took me two hours!

I'm proud!-

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