Chapter thirty-four

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Chapter thirty-four: I don't hate you

Killer was actually banging his head on a tree. He could feel something sticky run down from his forehead. This would be a very weird way do die, if Killer banged his head hard enough.

What he said yesterday was directed more to Bee then Dream, hopefully Dream didn't hate him. Dream acted like he didn't care but you could tell be his eyelights that he was hurt.

Killer had seen no sight of Bee which was a good and bad thing. Good thing, he couldn't be annoyed, the bad thing is that she could be planning something.
Bee always seemed like the person who'd go out of their way to kill someone for someone else. Hopefully Bee won't do that.

Killer stopped banging his head on the tree, finally feeling the pain. Killer wiped off the blood coming from his forehead. Killer looked to the sky, it was twenty minutes before sun down. Killer snuck past the guards of the castle entrance, that was the easiest part of his little adventure.
If he got caught by Nightmare he's over.

He crept down a hallway, it was just a long hallway with two doors at the end. 'What's the point of this hallway if there's only two doors. Dream's room is not that big.' Killer thought getting to the end of the hallway. The hard part will be choosing the correct door. One could lead to death by a octopus the other would be life with a twenty year old teenager.

The right doors light was off and the left light's where on. Making his choice he knocked on the left door. A loud thud was heard before rustling. The door opened revealing the brightly dressed skeleton he was looking for. "Killer?" Dream looked confused for a moment then looked behind Killer. Dream pulled Killer into the room closing the door slowly so he didn't make much noise.

Dream turned to Killer, "What are you doing?" Dream asked, "I just thought I'd see you. . . Tonight. I really don't have much of a reason to be here. I just wanted to. . . . ." Killer trailed off glancing at the window.
"So you went all through out the castle just to find me?" Killer nodded not looking at the smaller skeleton. "Your very stupid you know that. You could have been caught. And this time Nightmare would have made sure you where dead." Dream scolded Killer, "I was aware. But I was not caught by the octopus,"

Dream closed his eyes shacking his head from side to side. Toby hoped off the not-made-bed over to Killer waving his tail wildly. Killer sat down on the ground petting the fox. "Toby's your complete opposite. Have you noticed that? Your always moody and Toby's always happy and up going." Killer pointed out, Dream opened his eye sockets, "I've noticed. Did you just notice?" Dream raised an 'eyebrow', "No."

Dream grabbed Killer's wrist, "Well, if you came here to hangout. Let's go or we'll miss it," Dream pulled Killer up, Dream walked over to the lamp by his bed, turning it off. The room went dark. "We'll be right back Toby." Dream said.


"And we're up!" Dream said as Killer pulled himself up on the roof. "I hate climbing." Killer said standing by Dream. "Your a big baby." Dream told Killer, "And your just an older version of a teenager." Killer laughed a bit, "Shut up." Dream crossed his arms. They stood in silence for a few minutes. "Dream?" The smaller hummed not looking at the taller skeleton.

"I just wanted to say what I said yesterday was not really directed to you." Killer looked down, instantly regretting he did look down because there was about a hundred drop to the ground from where they were. "I knew that." Dream lied, "Uh-huh," Killer looked at Dream, "Your lying."
"Shut up. You didn't need to point that out."

"Nobody else is watching us Dream, therefore I can point it out." Killer said, "You still didn't have to point it out." Dream huffed, "I didn't 'have to' but I did because I wanted to." Killer smiled, "I hate you."

"You say that."

"We might need to go back to the room, soon we won't be able to see."


Dream turned on the lamp again after locking the door because of a 'Just in case' reason. Toby was bouncing around the room. Killer put his head on Dream's shoulder, "Killer what are you doing?" Dream asked Killer, "I'm trying to see life from your height." Killer told him."
"Are you saying I'm short? I'm only a few inches smaller then you." Dream told the truth.

"Maybe I am." Killer wrapped his arms around Dream's waist unknowingly. "I wonder how it looks up there. Is it really cloudy? That might be the cause of you being oblivious to everything." That only made Killer smirk, "Dunno. Is it cloudy up here?"

Killer grabbed Dream's hips lifting him up "Yes yes it is! Put me down!" Dream yelled his soul beating fastly out of sudden fear.
Killer put the smaller back down. "I thought you didn't mind heights." Killer said, "I don't mind! But next time give me a warning!"
"I did. And stop screaming, you'll wake the octopus." Killer pointed towards the door.

"Then don't lift me up like that." Dream crossed his arms. Killer looked down at the smaller once again, "Okay," Killer grabbed Dream's arm's putting them around the tallers neck. "I won't 'lift you up like that again'." Killer pulled Dream closer, "I meant don't pick me up at all!" Dream loudly whispered, "To late."
Killer lifted him up again, Dream clung to Killer's jacket hood. Even though Killer only lifted him about two inches. "Killer put me down please!" Dream wined, "Your no fun."

Killer put Dream back down. "I hate you." Dream said hidding his face in Killer's chest, "Yeah yeah. You say that."


Killer was sat on the ground leaning against the wall, Dream was sitting in his lap, sleeping. Killer hummed a soft tune, moving his thumb on Dream's check fondly. Dream would say absolute non-sense sometimes. It was very cute to Killer, everytime Dream said something Killer's soul felt like it was in clouds, soft fluffy clouds.
"Your so adorable," Killer smiled a little, Dream's face turned yellow.

"No-one else is cuter then you." Dream's face darkened in blush, Killer found it amusing.
Killer kept saying things he liked about the skeleton till he fell asleep.

This last part is so smoothing to write.

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