Chapter twenty-five

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Chapter twenty-five: Shell and Micah's back!

"How are you doing Micah!" Dream asked smiling as he jumped up and down. "Horrible as usual I guess." Micah shrugged. "Oh. Do you know where negative went? Or when he's coming?" Dream asked. Micah shrugged oncs again.

"I'm right here guys." Negative waved. "Yay were all here and accounted for!" Dream clapped happily.

The three of them were the exact same skeleton, Dream the go lucky positive one, Micah, the somewhat happy and negative being, and Negative, the one hundred percent negative being. They all had different rolls.

Negative and Micah worked together the control the unstable shell and Dream who couldn't help them from inside the shell they all lived in took on a different shell to guide them in their worse time.

Once the positivity comes back Negative and Dream will disappear leaving only Micah, the mix between the two other beings.

"How long do you think it will take till the positivity comes back?" Negative asked, "That will probably never be solved. If we did know how to make it stop, you two would have already disappeared." Micah said putting their arms behind his head closing his eye sockets.

"I can't wait for the positivity to come back!" Dream bounced, "You make death sound so good." Negative said, "I think after our job is done, we will no longer be able to use this shell and will be able to use a different one instead." Dream said.

"That could happen but when the positivity does come back Dream, do you get to keep your other shell? It's tenicly tied to our shell so it should disappear too." Micah told them. Dream seemed deep in thought and Negative said on the ground.

"Maybe not. I think I want to be a cat this next time!" Dream exclaimed. "Why?" Negative asked, "My current one can't do what a cat can. And cat's are adorable! Our shell would love a cat!" Dream said, "So would Nightmare." Micah pointed out.

"Well I can't be the same species as my current one. It would only cause pain for this shell." Dream said. "True."

"What about a dog?" Negative suggested, "I don't want to be a dog! I wanna be a cute cat!" Dream said, "I don't think Nightmare would care if a cat was following our shell now."

"Not weird at all,"

"Negative what do you wanna be?" Micah asked him. "Hm. Not sure yet." Negative hummed.
"I fell bad for our shell." Dream said. "Yep. Can't agree with you more on that one." Micah said.

"So what are we going to do when our shells wake?" Negative asked, "I'm not sure. Our shell is acting on it's own. He's probably never going to want to talk to Nightmare let alone see him." Micah shrugged.
"It's been awhile since I've seen Nightmare's main feelings." Dream said out randomly.

"Yeah. Which is your favorite?" Negative asked, "I like the happier one. Uuuuu. . . . . . . . Cyan." Dream answered, "Shy's my favorite. When Nightmare was nicer and shorter and much less dangerous." Micah raised his hand when he spoke. "The most negative one of then all, Negativity." Negative said.

"Of course."

Silence blanketed them.

"I think I'm going to go wake our shell. It's almost morning." Micah stood up. "Already?" Dream asked, "Yep. Cya." Negative followed Micah as he pulled up the control bar, a bunch of buttons. Of course none of them worked so Micah and Negative could onlt react to important stuff like decisions, often the two agreed.

Dream looked around for a moment, he could hear his shell starting to wake, Dream fizzed out of the current shell that he was in to get to his other one.

"Heya Toby," Dream pet the fox, if the fox could purr they would do so.
Dream sounded horrible, like a bees stung the inside of his throat bad. He had cried himself to sleep again talking non-sense to Toby, venting about how his life was just another living hell in the world.

"Sometimes I can't wait till the sweet release of life."


"Hi Nightmare!" Cross walked over to the taller. At the moment they where in the castle garden. Nightmare hummed.

"What's up?" Cross asked, "The sky." Nightmare replied. "Very funny Nightmare, ha ha. How was your night? Did you sleep well?" Cross asked.
"The night was fine Cross."

"You sound more moody then usual. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not." Cross whispered the last part.
"And your more innocent then normal." Nightmare pointed out, "I am? Huh. I didn't notice."
"Of course."


Micah climbed down the vines that where on the side of the castle from his room.
Hopefully Nightmare wouldn't notice that he was gone. Toby was in the room sleeping the day away, Micah had told the fox he was going out for a bit.

A little freedom wouldn't hurt. Just a time to time thing he could do to relieve stress and other things. He'd just have to lay low and hope Nightmare does not notice.

Micah walked around the borders of the village. 'This is nice' he thought. "Micah!" A cheerful voice rang making Micah stop.

No other then Sci ran up to him. "Heya shy." Micah said refranceing their first proper meet up. Sci stopped infront of Micah. "Funny. Where have you been? Lust has been looking everywhere for you and Killer!" Sci exclaimed pushing his glasses up, a pang of sadness hit Micah's soul.

"Really? Wow." Micah was halfly suprised. "Yeah. Also where's Killer?" Sci asked, "Um. . . . . I don't know really," Micah answered. "Let's just not worry about it. He's fine probably. It's Killer what do you expect?" Micah laughed awkwardly.
"Him to fall on his face and get killed." Sci said dully.

"So how's Fell!" Micah quickly changed the subject. "F-fell! Um. . . . I think he's doing great." Sci stumbled over his words. Wow that was easy. Can I just randomly change a subject like that?

"Tell me, what to you think of Fell?" Micah raised an 'eyebrow'. "U-um well. . . ." Sci trailed off, "Do you think he's. . . . . . . . Cute?"

"Does he know you like him?" Micah asked, "Wel-ll no." Sci told Micah. "Then let's go!" Micah exclaimed grabbing Sci's hand dragging him to go find Fell.

"Micah noooooo!"

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