Chapter twenty-six

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Chapter twenty-six: Reaper the skele-monster- bat thing

"Micah this is a horrible idea."

"I'm determined to make you two a couple!"

"Monster's don't have determination."

"I'm determined to make you two a couple!"

Sci and Micah where by the village markets watching Fell. "Go to him!" Micah said, "I-I don't think he likes me Micah, he-he probably just veiws me as a friend a-and it's probably not a real feeling I'm feeling, I'm probably just trying to believe that I like him-m!" Sci pushed his glasses up again. "Your not lying to yourself Sci. Go over to him."

"B-but you know nothing about love Micah, you've never liked anyone." Sci pointed out, "Just go before I have to embarrass myself. If you don't do it now, you never will." Micah crossed his arms.

"Yeah-h you right! I'm going to go tell him now!" Sci stood there looking 'determined', "Your not moving Sci." Micah said, "I can't Micah! I-I can't do it!"

"Fine I'll embarrass myself," Micah nodded, "Hey Fell!" Micah waved, Fell looked over waving back or waving to Sci who was hiding his face.

"Fell come here I wanna talk to you." Micah yelled, "Micah!" Sci loudly whispered. Fell walked over, "What nerds?"

"Y'know Sci really likes someone and I was thinking, maybe you could help him because your his friend." Micah said innocently. "Why don't you do it?" Fell said, "Because! I don't like anyone and I know you have a crush so I was thinking that you could help him out."

"Why-" Micah cut Fell off, "Hope you live birds get along!" Micah said "Wait 'love birds'?" Fell repeated
"Byyyeeee!" Micah ran away to give the two space.

Once Micah got out of their sightlines his normal negativity showed again. Trying to act positive is really hard to do, talking from experience.

Micah looked up shading his eye sockets from the sun. It was about to be the middle of the day, meaning it was time to go back to hell. Micah sighed walking back to the castle in which he used to call 'home' a long time ago.

Micah's soul skipped a beat seeing Nightmare.
Nightmare was talking to Cross infront of Cross' house? It could be his house but assuming something like that is bad. . . . ?
Monsters and humans are weird.
No-one else was around them so Nightmare must trust himself enough to be out in the open without a guard or guards.

Micah pulled the hood of his cloak over his eye sockets. One of the things Nightmare would get suspicious of is the fact that his pupils are dull yellow. And it was just to be careful.


"Hey Toby I'm back," Micah said crawling throw the window. Toby's ears perked up as he scrambled off of the bed to get to his owner(?). "You've been really good right?" Micah asked the fox patting him on the head, Toby barked once for a yes. "Good."


Dream walked down the halls with Toby, one to get used to this place again, two to pass the time, and three just because they could.

Nightmare was probably still with Cross since Dream hasn't seen the couple since he went outside.

It was quite quiet in the castle, it was a little weird to Dream since he couldn't hear the birds sing and animals running around. It's just something for Dream to get used to.


"We should get ya something else to sit on, like a bird perch." Fresh said skateboarding in circles, "That's stupid Fresh." Geno looked up from his book. "I knows."
Geno mentally facepalmed.
"Your weird." Geno looked back at his book. "So I've been told," Fresh laughed.
Silence came around them only making every noise louder.

"Where do ya' think Error is?" Fresh asked as he stopped skateboarding. "Probably flirting with his boyfriend." Geno sounded bored. "Boyfriend? I didn't know dat Error got a boyfriend." Fresh looked confused, "Well he has a boyfriend, suprise."

"What's da kids' name?" Fresh asked, "Ink, y'know 'prince Ink'. Who to think that Error would like someone totally opposite of him."
"They must have something in common." Fresh said resuming his skateboarding.



Nightfall came over, Error hadn't come back, not much suprise.
Fresh was bored out of his mind, or so he says. And Geno made his way over to the grave yard. No-one knew Geno went out at night, but Fresh.

The leaves crunched under Geno's feet creating a satisfying sound. Geno hoped that it would snow sometime, all the fun things they could do. Snowball fights, sleds, hide and seek, the list went on and on.
But it hasn't snowed in years, it's iced over though. That sucked.


Reaper was hanging up-side-down on a tree branch. "What are you doing?" Geno asked, "What do you think I'm doing?"
"Being an idiot."

"Ow that hurt." Reaper pretended to look sad. "I can go home now right?" Geno raised an 'eyebrow', "Why? You just got here."

"Because I feel like it," Geno said touching Reaper's 'nose', Reaper tensed thinking that Geno would turn to dust like everyone else would, but Geno surprising didn't.
"Hm. I thought that would end differently."

Reaper touched Geno's 'nose' back, smiling because Geno didn't dust before his 'eye's'.

Reaper climbed off the branch -more like jumped.
"Are you secretly a bat now?" Geno asked, "Yes I'm Reaper that skele-monster-bat thing!"
"Nice name 'Reaper the skele-monster-bat thing'.

Who else is wondering when 'Lust' comes back? Or if he even comes back.

Can I just come up with a tragic ending and be done?
Don't worry I won't.


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