Chapter thirty-one

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Chapter thirty-one: If Dream was so nice and kind

"Bee it was a mistake, Dream I'm fine it's just a scratch." Killer tried to reassure the freaking out Dream. "But he hurt you Killer! And he almost killed me!"
"Stop screaming, he didn't kill you, your still alive." Killer pulled Dream into a hug, pure bliss was on Dream's face for a few seconds before going to his same cold expression.
Bee huffed crossing her arms.

"I don't see what you see in that idiot." Bee pointed at Dream, "I'm still here y'know." Dream pulled out of Killer's hug. "I know."
Dream took a deep breath in and out.

"See you two later. I need to go home." Dream told them walking towards the castle, "Your going the wrong way Dream!" Bee called pointing the opposite way, "No he's going the correct way Bee." Killer told her.
"Oh yeah. He lives in the luxury of a castle well the rest of us have to do everything under his biding."
"That's not how it works."

'Will she ever go away and leave me alone? Why is she even staying by my side. I can't just say, 'Go away your very annoying', wait can I? If so. . . .'

"I don't care," Bee pulled her hair into a ponytail, "Just wait and watch what will happen. I bet you it will happen. Dream's has so much power he'll think he's God. That's what Nightmare might have thought." She said, Killer just wanted to bang his head on a tree if it stops her from speaking. Killer rolled his pupils instead.
"Dream's not like Nightmare. He's kind he wouldn't treat everyone like dirt, he may seem mean at times but sometimes you can see the nicer version of him. Like how he helped some of the prisoners, even though he didn't have to. If Nightmare saw what Dream did he could have been hurt or worse."

"Ugh! Your not understanding Killer!" Bee huffed, "Okay, what am I not understanding?"
"If he where 'so nice' then why is he living a dream and all of us living under his rule? I bet you once he's in the castle he'll have a big siver platter of chocolate! What would we have? Oh wait, apples." Bee said, "It does not matter. It's food." Killer ignored the rest of her argument.


"Heya Toby," Dream waved to the fox.
Toby was waiting in front of the castle with the guards. One of the guards where petting the fox. Toby sometimes came over here when Dream didn't feel like petting the fox.
The guards imedenty stood up strait upon hearing the prince's voice.

Toby barked happily spinning in circles then ran over to Dream. Dream pat the foxes head only making Toby even more happy. When you think the fox couldn't get any happier. Dream looked up at the guards and nodded meaning he wanted to go inside the castle.


Dream sat on his bed trying to get in a comfortable position, you'd think after three years he would have gotten used to being on a bed, he much preferred the floor and tree's. Ah, the good old days.

It didn't help that Toby had to move everytime too, also trying to get comfortable. "Ugh! I hate this thing! Even the floor is more comfortable then this. How could I even handle this as a kid?" Dream yelled pulling the blanket off of the bed.

Toby yelped being pulled with the blanket, "Sorry." Toby jumped back into the bed getting comfortable. Dream sighed laying on the ground, covering himself with the blanket.

After a while, about five minutes later, a knock sounded at the door, "May I come in?" A female voice asked, the female on the other side of the door was one of Mints sisters, Kendyl. She was super nice, she'd do anything you asked no matter how dirty.
She always wanted to do something.
Dream sat up imedenty throwing the blanket back on the bed. Over Toby who just didn't care.
Dream stood up, "Um- Yes."

The door opened, "Where were you earlier? I came to check on you and you didn't respond! Are you sick?" She put the back of her hand on his fore head, "No I'm not sick. I just went out for some fresh air."
"I checked in the garden too!" Kendyl put her hands on her hips. "That's probably because I was not there."

She closed her eye's shacking her head from side to side. "You become more like your brother everyday," Kendyl looked up at the skeleton, "Anyways I had to give you this." Kendyl gave Dream two notes. "Thanks."
She bowed and went out of the room closing the door behind herself.
Dream sat at the edge of the bed, Toby got up and sat by him very curious on what the notes said.

One of the notes had a red seal on it. So Dream opened that one first. It said:

After a hundred years it is the kingdom of 'Emotions' turn to host the yearly party of "Spring".
This party is where all the kingdoms world wide -by choice- come to this kingdom to celebrate.

The party must be peaceful which means if one prince/princess/king/queen where to fight, they will be forced to leave.
This party is supposed to represent the kingdom hosting the party.

A truce is held on this night by our ancestors.

Thank you for reading this note.


×Nani× host of last year's party

"Oh yeah. That stupid thing," Dream said, Toby looked up at Dream, "Yes. I used to enjoy it Toby. Stop looking at me. Toby looked at the other note. Dream sighed putting the note they just read to the side. Dream looked at the side of the note, it said:

From Prince Joku to friend of choice

"This note it for someone that I want to bring to the party who's not part of a royal family," Dream laughed leaving Toby confused.

"Bee will be so pissed!"

I wonder what Dream's thinking.

I loved writing this last part of this chapter!


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