Chapter thirty

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Chapter thirty: Who is she?

----Years later----

Dream snuck around the castle. Nightmare was doing 'something' with Cross. Or to him.

Toby padded after Dream not as sneaky though. Three years have passed since Killer's death, Toby is about four or five? Both Dream and Nightmare are twenty years old now. Cross? Who knows. . . . . To lazy to think of an age for him.
Toby seemed to become happier with each passing year, Dream, unhappy as ever, Nightmare and Cross. . . Can I just not explain?

With Nightmare busy with Cross, Dream could free all the prisoners who didn't have to be prisoners. Dream had all the files on every prisoner, Uni, Joe, Kat, Sofia, Olivia, Needle, Jinx, Binx, Lenny, and Bee.
The rest of them where for more intense things like murder.
The ones that he was going to save where for stealing and that junk. They had big families and everyone steals from the market's.

Dream opened the large metal door to get to all the cells. Few of them still had some sanity left in them to Dream's suprise.


All the 'prisoners' who shouldn't be here where taken out by Toby. Good fox.
The only 'prisoner' Dream couldn't find was the girl called 'Bee'. On here file it says that she's about seventeen but that was when she was brought here, who knows how old she is now.
Dream walked over to the other metal door at the end of the hallway. Bee might be one of the prisoners in here.

Dream pushed the metal door open with a lot of force, it felt like it hadn't been moved in forever.
Dream stepped into the room. There where two cells, the right one was empty the left on the other hand. . . . .

Dream felt his soul skip for two entire beats for two different reasons. Dream couldn't believe his 'eye's'. "Dream?"

"Look Killer it's Dream! I told you he would come remember! He came for you!" A girl said floating around in the air pulling Killer's arm. "No. I didn't come for him," Dream said his hands balling into fists. "I came for her." Dream pointed at the girl.

She seemed a little surprised, Killer was in shock that Dream was right there on the other side of the bars. "But you love him don't you? Your supposed to save him." The girl said, "I'm his friend! I was told he was dead! And I don't have to save him!" Dream particularly screamed.

"But if your his friend then you should help him. And I'll gladly take him. You don't want him I'll have him." She said laughing at the last two sentences. "That's exactly what I was going to do. Sure you can take him, it's not like I care."

"Wait 'take' me?" Killer looked confused for a moment. "It's nothing. Anyways I'm just here to get you both out of here. Before Nightmare comes and finds out that I did this." Dream unlocked the cell door. Bee flew right through happy to be out.

Killer walked out after her. Killer looked at Dream for a moment then pulled him into a hug, the action making Dream yelp.
"Um. Killer? Why are you hugging me?" Dream asked, Killer didn't respond.

Bee looked pissed looking at the two skeletons with pure discused. Dream stuck out his tounge giving Bee 'The finger'. She gasped in shock at the prince, she looked away growling.

"Killer I can't breathe!" Dream said pushing away from the other skeleton. "S-sorry. I just haven't had proper physical contact." Killer gestured to Bee with his pupils. Dream just nodded. "Whatever. We need to get out of here." Dream said walking out of the room. Killer and Bee followed.

Dream took a glance back at Bee and Killer, Bee was tightly holding onto Killer's arm. Bee looked up at Killer happily then looked back at Dream with a challenging face. Killer on the other hand looked like he was going to die because Bee was loving on him.


Bee had insisted on the three of them took a stroll through the forest. And now they where doing exactly that.
Bee wouldn't stop talking, going over on what her and Killer did over the past three years. "How where you holding up thinking that Killer was dead? It must have been unbearable!-"

"Will you just shut up?" Dream said wanting to bang her head agenst a rock. "-If I where separated from Killer for three years, I think I would hav-" Dream grabbed a knife from his pocket pushing the blade agenst her throat, she walked backwards only to push herself agenst a tree. "Shut up. If you could just stay quiet for ten minutes! Your so annoying, I don't give two shits about what you and Killer did! Stop trying to make me jealous it's not working!" Dream stared into her eye's, terror was in it.
Dream was lying at the last part but as long as she thinks what he said was true, he didn't care.

"What kind of prince carys a weapon?" She laughed a little. "Dream calm down-" A hand lightly grabbed Dream's arm, a bit startled Dream swung the knife towards the thing touching him.
Turns out the 'thing' touching him was Killer. Thank the stars that Dream only swang under Killer's eye. It was not deep at all.

Dream dropped the knife on the ground rushing over to Killer. "I'm so sorry I-I didn't. . . ." Was Dream kind of over reacting, yes, but accidentally hurting a friend like that felt horrible, Killer could hate him forever. Which was unlikely.

"Look what you did Dream! You hurt Killer!" Bee yelled at him only making Dream feel worse. He felt. . . . Horrible by her words. He felt like a horrible living being.

He felt. . . vulnerable for once.

Bee is horrible. Females are horrible! I can't say much though, I'm female. What a shame.

Poor Killer and poor Dream.

When I said that I would injoy making this chapter, I take it back. Oh well.

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