Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven: Not to be blind

Dust ran with guards right on his heels. 'You can out run them!,' Dust told himself, 'Anything for Blue! He must be so alone without me. He might have just moved on from me, after all, it has been years.'

Dust saw a river up ahead, if he jumped in, the guards would not follow him in. Their armor was to heavy, they'd be stuck.

Dust jumped into the river and swam, he looked back for a second, the guards had stopped at the rivers end. 'If Blue did move on, I'd at least want to hug him one more time.'


Toby barked instantly waking Killer. He sat right up and Toby jumped right off of him onto the floor. "What'it this time?" Killer asked the fox. Toby wined and pointed his nose to where Micah usually slept. He was not there. "Holy shit!" Killer jumped off his bed, at the last moment the blankets curled around his feet making him face plant on the ground.

Killer rushed back up sliding on his slippers and grabbing his jacket. "We need to go find Micah!" Killer told the fox and opened the door. The two raced out. "Hey! You should be with Micah!" Lust yelled chasing after them wanting an answer out of them. "Can't talk now!"


"Can't you four tell that he's uncomfortable? Go play, I'll handle him."
"Yes Mom." The kids said racing off, giggling. "And its Dad to you!"

A new figure walked into Dream/Micah's view.

"Sorry about them. I'm Blueberry, but just call me Blue." Blue said.

Blueberry, wore a sky blue scarf, which was tied into a bow in the back. He had shoulder pads, which resembled armor. On the shoulder pads was the Deltarune, it was barely see able though. His shirt was light gray with blue rimes around it. 'Pant's where black, he wore sky blue boots and gloves that went up to his elbow.

"Hi." Dream/Micah said not even wanting to say either of his names. "Follow me. I can already sense my kids watching us." Blue said "How'd you know?" A kid questioned. Dream/Micah didn't see them or sense them.

Dream/Micah followed Blueberry outside. The sky was blue, no clouds in sight. A walk way was made out of stone. The house was a cabin, roses of all sorts of colors. Blueberry sat on a marble bench. He patted the spot next to them. Dream/Micah sat next to him.

"What's your name? Don't worry, I honestly don't mind." Blue asked. "Er- My real name is Dream, I just go by Micah though." Dream could feel his hands shacking. "You've been claimed dead." Blue told him, "I know."
"Why did you run away?" He asked "Half of that I will not tell but. Nightmare used to chase me for that reason and lock me in a room by myself. I also didn't really want to rule with my brother, so I left." Dream told Blueberry looking down at the ground.

"I can't blame you on your part. Let's just change the subject." Blue said they sat in silence. "So, your kids?" Dream finally said. "Yeah. It's just me and them." Blueberry looked towards the sky. "Who was there-"

"His name was Dust. He was captured along with my older brother, Papyrus. I could go and break them out, but, I can't leave my kids alone. I know one day they'll both escape together, and come here. Home." Blueberry pupils filled with saddness.
"Captured by who?" Dream asked.



Dust walked through the forest he was more then halfway home. Wet, cold, and hungry, he pushed on with 'Determination'. Giving up was no choice.

He heard. . . . Voices! Blueberry was one of them! But. Who was the other? Dust walked over hearing a bit of their conversation.

"His name was Dust. He was captured along with my older brother, Papyrus. I could go and break them out, but, I can't leave my kids alone. I know one day they'll both escape together, and come here. Home." Blueberry said.

"Captured by who?" The other asked.

Dust walked out and told him who captured him, "Nightmare." Blueberry looked at Dust with relief and disbelief. The other just looked confused and kept looking at the two's expressions.

Blueberry's eye sockets filled with tears as he walked over to the taller checking to see if it was real. He was real.

Dust pulled Blueberry into a hug. Dream on the other hand was confused as fuck.

Dust and Blueberry started whispering to each other, all Dream heard was, "Dream" and "friend". Dust smiled and told Blueberry something "That's not funny!" Blueberry said loudly. Blueberry grabbed Dust's hand and pulled him inside, totally forgetting about Dream.

"Yeah, I'll just. Be here." Dream swang his legs back and forth like a four year old at an airport waiting for the plane.


Blueberry closed the door behind himself and Dust.

"Who's he?"

"He can't be a prisoner. Mom's holding his hand."

"I'm scared."

Burst, Fury, and Violet said. Sprinkle walked up to the stranger holding out his hand. "I'm Sprinkle," they said and started to point at his siblings before Dust could hold his hand. "That's Burst, he's Fury, and she's Violet." He paused and looked up at Dust. "You look like me."

Blueberry whispered into Dust's 'ear'. "I was never informed about this." Dust said loudly. "That's because I never got to tell you. But they are ours." Blueberry replied. "What about the guy outside?" Dust asked picking Sprinkle up. "I forgot about Dream!" Blueberry yelled running outside. "Who?"

"Dream, ya'know, so called dead prince. Mom said he found him in the woods by himself and Mom attacked him thinking that he was a threat." Sprinkle explained.
"Mom said something about us being yours? Are you Dust, Mom talks about them sometimes. He usally crys though." Burst asked, Dust nodded the four gasped.

"I'm hugging him first!" Burst screamed. "I'm right here, so me!" Sprinkle pointed out and wrapped around Dust. Fury and Burst jumped up on him and Violet walked over hugging him. "I'm a little of balaAAANNCE!" The five of them fell over, the only one being crushed was Dust.

Blueberry and Dream walked in. Giggling kids and 'crushed' Dust. That's when Blueberry noticed it. "Is that Papyrus' hoodie?" Blueberry asked pointing at the orange hoodie. Dust got up to his feet, the kids pulling him away to play for awhile. "It is." He replied. "Kids. Go to the room and bug Dream." Blueberry instructioned. "Wha-" Fury grabbed Dreams hand

"Lets go!"

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