Chapter twenty-eight

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Chapter twenty-eight: View all

"Fell d-don't!" Sci yelled as Fell pretended to steal an apple. "I'm not see, the apple is still there." Fell pointed to the ripe red apple. "I know and I also k-know that your going to to grab it without paying."

"After years of stealing stuff, I can't just stop stealing now," Fell said reaching slowly towards the red apple. Market keepers where idiots. Most of them where human so of course.
Fell finally grabbed the apple and put it in his jacket pocket all in one motion.

"I couldn't resist the temptation."

"I-I can see that."


"Horror have you found Killer or Micah?" Lust asked, it's been days, the resistance broke away having no reason to keep having it running. Everyone has returned to the village except Killer and Micah and Toby the fox.

"Calm down. They probably just ran away with each other. Possibly wanting their relationship to be a secret." Horror said as he sat agenst the walls of a market. "But still! I need to know where they are!"
"You act like a mother who just lost their child."

"I might as well be!" Lust screamed, "Your going to attract attention to yourself love." Horror said walking over to Lust. "They could be dead."

"Just breathe. Be quiet," Horror hugged Lust. "Anyways Sci and Fell said they saw Micah a few hours ago."


"I'm going to my room." Geno announced as he stood up from the table. "Afraid you'll lose again?" Error asked "Do you have a cat fish?" Error asked Fresh. Fresh sighed putting down a cat fish card.
"No I'm afraid that you two are acting like kids."

Error hummed adding the two cat fish cards to a pile. Geno rolled his pupils teleporting to his room.

The carpet was red and the walls where white, Geno's bed had white bed sheets and a red blanket. His bedside table was wooden and it had a candle on top with a few matches. And that's it besides to white closet doors. Sad is it not?

Geno 'fell' onto his bed face first a bit to bored to even read.
"Hi Geno."
Geno sat up right to see Reaper in the door way. "Is it my time to die yet?" Geno asked, "No."

"So what are you doing?" Reaper asked, "Talking to you what else?" Geno answered. "Funny, okay. What where you doing before?" Reaper tilted his head, "Playing a kids card game like some eight year old who just found a card deck laying on the ground thinking they could play 'war' with it but it was really just just a card matching game."

"Have you mistaken that?" Reaper curiously asked, "No but Error and Fresh did just twenty minutes ago. They are probably still playing the game.
"That's funny."


Blueberry snuggled closer to Dust in his sleep, if only Dust had a camera to take a picture of this moment.

Sprinkle climbed over the couch sitting at the other end. "What are you doing now?" Dust asked Sprinkle, "Waiting."
"For what exactly?"

"Watch." Sprinkle said pointing down the hall. Next second Violet and Burst ran around the couch, sitting by Sprinkle. "Snuggle time!" Burst yelled, Blue sat up imedenty, "When?"

"I'm not sure what your talking about-"

"Now!" Fury jumped over the couch. "Snuggle time is when we all get together and snuggle!" Blue explained to Dust, "I knew that already."

The kids already where huddled together, looking like a mainly grey and blue colored bump on the couch. Blue laughed looking at them, "Join us!" The kids laughed pulling Blue's hand. "Oh no Dust! Their going to torture me with snuggles!"

"I'm fine with that."


Cross yawned trying to stay awake. "Go to sleep." Nightmare said pushing Cross onto the bed. "But I don't want to sleep." Cross sat up, "Sleep Cross." Nightmare ordered pushing Cross back down. "Fine." Cross gave in curling up into a ball.

Nightmare crawled into the too, covering the both of them up with the blanket. Nightmare wrapped his tenticals around the two of the protectivly and instinctly.

Cross opened one of his eye's and poked one of the tenticals, the tentical moved for a moment. "Don't do that." Nightmare told Cross, "Why?" Cross asked poking it again.

"I'll make you sleep on the floor like an animal."


"You cheated!" Error yelled at Fresh, Fresh had the most cards meaning that he won the game. "Another round?" Fresh asked pointing at the cards. "No! I have better things to do then play a stupid card game."

"It was your idea Error. You found da cards and said dat we should play." Fresh said, "Whatever. I'm leaving." Error said teleporting away.

"Your so un-rad."


Ink sat on his bed drawing once again. Ink's hand darted across the page as he drew, in a matter of seconds he was done.
What he drew was not really important to him because he tore the page out of the journal throwing it to the trash can.
Ink started to draw on the next page.

"Hey Inky."

Ink jumped looking over to see Error -which was expected. "Holy stars Error. You startled me." Ink said looking back at his journal. One dark pencil line ran along the page. "I know." Error laughed, "My picture." Ink wined.

"Just make a new one then." Error told him, leaning on Ink's headboard.
"But I liked this picture." Ink looked up at Error, "Shut up and make another."

Sorry, this chapter was so hard to write but I was trying to step out of my comfort zone.


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