22.Confessions of a Teenage Rebel-Bracelets and Skanks

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22. Bracelets and Skanks

Confession #22: I hate people who judge beforehand.

"Where are your parents, Anna?" Mr. Jenkins, a middle-aged, balding cop asks me.

"They're um...on vacation. They're supposed to come back on the 2nd of January."

Matt squeezes my hand in reassurance. Jenkins stares at me for awhile, trying to figure what I'm about. He looks me in the eyes and raises his eyebrows. After a few more seconds of this he looks down.

He sighs. "I'm sorry. But there is no evidence as to who this could've been. Honestly, the bedroom just looks like some boy wanted to have a romantic date with her."

"Some boy?" Matt exclaims, standing up from his seat and letting go of my hand. "Whoever it is, he's following her. Everywhere she goes. This is NOT SOME BOY!"

"Matt, calm down," I whisper into his ear. "He did what he could. That's all we can ask for."

"Do you have somewhere you can stay, Anna?" Mr. Jenkins asks me.

I'm about to say no when Matt's mom butts in. "She can stay here, with us." She sends me a sad smile. "Practically our whole family is here, so she will be safe. I don't think anybody will want to break in here tonight."

Jenkins nods. "Is that okay with you?" He looks over at me.


"Okay." He stands up and shrugs his shoulders at the three of us. "Sorry I couldn't do anything more. If anything else happens, give us a call. "

A few stray tears start to stream down my cheeks. I reach up to wipe them away but Matt is already there, his thumbs caressing my cheeks, his hands cradling my face to his chest.

"Let's go upstairs," he whispers. I just nod and sniffle.

We pass his family on the way. They are all sitting in the living room, speaking in hushed voices. A few of them look over at me in concern. There is one lady, with dyed blonde hair and wrinkles around her eyes, that looks over and scowls at me. I guess I deserve that. I probably ruined their whole New Years holiday.

"Ignore her," Matt murmurs.

When we reach his room, he closes the door and pulls me in for a hug. For a long time we just stand there, caught in each other's embrace. He feels warm and gentle against me. He is exactly what I need.

I stand on my tippy toes and pull his lips down on mine. "Thank you," I whisper against his lips.

Slowly, he lets go of my waist and heads over to his windows. He makes sure it is locked and then pulls the blinds down. "If you're going to be sleeping here, you're gonna need something to sleep in." He motions a hand at my work outfit from the diner. "That doesn't really look like sleeping material."

I watch as he walks over to his dresser and pulls out a big Stanford hoodie, and a pair of basketball shorts. He hands them to me.

"Those used to be my favorite shorts when I was twelve. They're the closest to your size I have. The sweater will be big, but..." he trails off.

"They're perfect, Matt. And besides, you've already seen me at my worst," I say, referring back to my outfit on Christmas morning.

Softly, he chuckles. "The bathroom is just down the hall. You can go get changed in there." I nod and slip through the door.

"-so you are just going to let them sleep together?" Booms an unfamiliar voice from downstairs. "Who knows what they will do! There are children here!"

"Look, Clarissa," Matt's mom says in a laid back town. "I trust them. Annabelle is a nice girl, and Matt knows not to do anything with the whole family here."

I feel guilty listening, but I can't help myself.

"How do you know she is a nice girl?" Asks Clarissa. "She has already ruined our family gathering."

Instead of answering Clarissa's question, Matt's mom replies, "He gave her the bracelet, you know."

"What?" Clarissa practically screams. "How could he!"

"It was his choice, Clarissa. And if I don't say so myself, I think he made a good one."

My heart thumps from this. Matt's mom really did like me.

"That little SKANK!" Clarissa yells. I hear a banging noise down in the kitchen.

At this, I walk downstairs, ready to give this woman a piece of my mind. She doesn't even know me, and she calls me a skank? Behind my back?

I tap the woman on the shoulder. "Excuse me," I say, purposely making my voice as sweet as possible.

She turns around, a look of disgust on her face, and huffs, "What?"

I smile at her. "I am very sorry for barging in, and potentially ruining your holiday, but you have no right to speak of me the way you have. You don't even know me. Don't. Ever. Call. Me. A. Skank."

Matt's mom lets out a little laugh behind Clarissa. Clarissa, on the other hand, gasps. "I know exactly who you are!" She screeches. "You're just another little girl who likes Matt because of his looks, or because he plays football. You don't care about him."

I glare at her, dead into the center of her bright blue eyes. Her blonde hair falls just to her shoulders. She must be atleast fifty years old. "You have no idea who I care about, Miss. If you don't mind, I just had the worst night of my life, and honestly, you're just making it worse."

I leave her and the rest of Matt's family, which came to watch, awestruck and absolutely speechless. I walk up the steps and into the bathroom.

When I look into the mirror, my eyes are puffy and my hair is a complete mess. My cheeks are blazing red out of anger. On the outside I look absolutely crazy.

Quickly, I change into the clothes that Matt gave me. I splash my face with water, and comb my fingers through my hair. Once again, I look like a hobo, but this time, I'm in Matt's clothes. And in his house.

When I walk into his room he is laying on his bed, eyes closed, and his arms behind his head. I quietly close the door, realizing that he is asleep. There are a few spare blankets on the floor, so I grab one and cover him with it. Next, I grab one for me.

His bed is small, and he isn't, which makes it difficult for me to find space. But I do. I crawl in next to him and mold my body to his. I end up in one of the most awkward, uncomfortable positions possible, but it doesn't bother me. Laying with him couldn't be more perfect, more right. I quickly fall asleep next to him.

Stalkers P.O.V

Annabelle got away this time, but she won't be so lucky next time. I have it all figured out, all planned. The only glitch is her stupid little boyfriend. I will have to find a way to get rid of him. But how? How?

Okay...So I know I said I was going to stop posting....but I actually have time right now! I'm off school for a week, and I'm home all alone. Tell me what you think? I hope this chapter was a bit longer than the last one...Thanks. Love you all!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 23, 2010 ⏰

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