9.Confessions of a Teenage Rebel-Cops or Robbers?

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AHHHH!!! So, just to clear a few things up, YeS, Annabelle has met the stalker already! And the stalker has been introduced (: So don't worry, its not some stalker from a far or anything :D Oh, and just a hint.... The guy at the Diner who was 'eye-raping' her, that was the ONLY time he's is going to be mentioned in the story. Sorry to all of the people who thought it was him, but guess again!!! LOL. Here's the next chapter. And thanks for everybody that's been supporting this story! I love you all!

9. Cops or Robbers?

Confession #9: Sometimes I feel much more happy than I should.

My first instinct was to call the cops. They would help me, and they could protect me from whoever it was. But what would I say to them? That someone left me a present?

Calling the cops was out. They would just think that I was overreacting, anyways. 'Oh, no! Someone gave you a present! It's the end of the world!' Yeah, that just sounded great.

I would have to call the cops when there was more evidence. For some reason, this reminded me of the game, Cops and Robbers. I had played it all through my childhood. For some reason, I had always liked being the good guy, so of course I was always the cop. If my life were a game of Cops and Robbers, the Robbers would definitely be winning right now.

Just to be safe, I checked under my bed, in the closet, and just about everywhere else imaginable. I needed to make sure whoever it was wasn't still in my house.

Suddenly, it feels like the wind is blown out of me. Not literally. But when I realize it, I feel more guilty than ever imagined.

I had blamed Matt for all of this. I had ignored him, and pretty much just acted like he never existed. But he was at the Diner less than a half an hour ago. With his little sister. Surely he wouldn't of brought his little sister with him, right? Or could he have come before, when my shift at work had just started?

But something in me told me that it wasn't him, and that I needed to apologize. Too bad I didn't have his phone number.

After checking every nook and cranny, I ran down the stairs, in search of my cell phone. For some reason I didn't feel that scared, but I still needed someone to talk to.

I dialed in Josh's number, while silently hoping and praying that Ashley wasn't with him. "Hello?" He answered, making me smile.

"Hi, Josh," I said.

"What's up?" He asks, popping his lips on the P.

"My house was 'visited' again," I say. He shudders on the other line.

"What happened?" He asks, and I can just tell his teeth are clenched. Hard.

I sigh. "A box of black lingerie was left on my bed. And a note that said, 'Happy New Year.' " I put air quotes around the words, Happy New Year, even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Lingerie?" He shouts. "Whoever this is, he's seriously sick!"

I suddenly giggle, even though I don't even think it's funny. "So what did you and Ashley do tonight?"

He sighs, his voice suddenly full of sorrow and remorse. "She never showed up," he whispers. "I was told she got the flu."

"Oh," I say. "Then what did you do?"

"I went to the mall," he tells me.

"The mall?" I ask, my voice coming out angry and harsh. But maybe that's because it is. "You mean like, the mall, the mall?"

"Um," he chuckles. "Yes? What other type of mall is there?"

Beep, beep, beep. The oven beckons me, but I'm more than happy. It's an excuse to get off of the phone with Josh.

"Um, Josh. I have to go. My special lasagna calls."

He laughs. "Talk soon."

"Yeah." I quickly hang up the phone.

Josh went to the mall today. I went to the mall today. And I never saw him there.

He HAD plans tonight, but they were suddenly canceled.

He knows about the Black Lipstick thing, and he obviously doesn't want me to get my heart broken my some moronic jerk. Could Josh be framing Matt?

Would Josh do that?

No, I don't think he would. He's my best friend. We've been best friends since the beginning of time. Why would he all of a sudden go behind my back and try to freak the bejeezus out of me? (Me: Bejeezus is an awesome word!)

I don't know what to think anymore.

It could be anyone.



And now that I think about it, Ethan.

But what if I'm wrong? What if it's none of them?

Sorry ): I think this was a short chapter, but I just wanted to post something up. Winter break just started. Gosh, it feels so nice to be free of school for more than two weeks! LOL. Now I just wish it was SUMMER!!!!!!!!

So, tell me who you think it is now.... Did this chapter change your mind at all? Especially you people who thought it was the guy from the Diner! LOL. It's not him! So give me another guess. Love you all (:

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