2.Confessions of a Teenage Rebel- Flirting with the Untaken Taken Guy

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2. Flirting with the Untaken Taken Guy

Confession #2: I love getting on Tiffany Donahue's nerves.

"Welcome to geometria clase! " Ms. Bennett yells in Spanish. She's been trying to learn the language, and is currently testing it out on us.

Sitting next to me was Josh, and on my right was Matt. I couldn't help but feel the least bit self conscious. I mean, I ran him over in the hallway, and I didn't really give him that great of an apology, either.

Suddenly my mind hatched up a plan. I grabbed a piece of graph paper out of my binder, and started writing.

'Sorry about running into you in the cafeteria.' I hand the note to him. He starts to write back, and soon enough hands me back the paper.

'You already apologized. And it's not like you didn't have a reason to. Your friend was threatening you with black lipstick, and you were horrified. Its understandable.'

I giggled unexpectedly, and started writing again. 'Yeah, I know! Black lipstick is horrifying! I don't even know why she had it.'

While reading the note, Matt smiles.'Ha. Black lipstick is horrible. But it probably wouldn't look that bad on you.'

So he was trying to flirt with me? How typical. But that doesn't mean I wont play along..... 'Maybe I could buy a tube and we could use it together.'

He looks at me, a shocked expression plastered on his face. "Really?" He mouths eagerly.

I laugh, and I'm about to say after school today, when Ms. Bennett interrupts. "Annabelle?" She asks.


"Can you tell me the answer please?" She starts to get a bit tempermental. She knows I wasn't listening.

"Umm," I look at the chalkboard, and nothing is written.

"7," Josh whispers.

"7!" I yell right away. I trust Josh. He's good in math, and he most likely had the right answer.

"Good," Ms. Bennett says, and then goes back to talking.

I turn to Josh. "Thank you!" He grins, but otherwise starts listening again. I decided I should probably do that too, even though I'm much more interested in what Matt and I were talking about.

I have to admit that making out with Matt sounds like fun, and if I didn't have well, a brain, I would. But, sadly, I do have a brain, and that brain is telling me that Matt's a big time player.

After geometry, I headed off to Band, and after that Language Arts. When those classes were over, I headed off to lunch.

I stopped at my locker along the way to drop off my binders. 27-33-1, was my combination. I tend to forget it a lot, so earlier in the year I wrote it in big bold letters on the back of my purple pencil pouch with a black sharpie.

The sound of a throat being cleared behind me makes me jump. I turn around to see Matt with a big grin on his face. He places his hands on either side of me, trapping me against the wall.

"Well," he whispers, making my neck tingle. "We don't need the lipstick right away."

I chuckle, which confuses him. "What's funny?" he asks.

"One: we're in the school hallway, where anybody could pass by and see us. And two: I'm not into quickies."

"But I am!"

I grin and shrug my shoulders. "Sorry. I'm not into that. But I'm sure Tiffany is. She'd be happy to help you."

"What if I don't want Tiffany?" He asks, his tone now more serious.

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