1.Confessions of a Teenage Rebel- Skimpy Clothes and Black Lipstick

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1.Skimpy Clothes and Black Lipstick

Confession #1: I hate black lipstick.

Love drunk, by Boys Like Girls blasted through my headphones, blocking out numerous voices. I was currently on the bus, reading my Geometry textbook, frantically trying to finish last night's homework.

Usually I would drive my car to school, but it's in the shop at the moment. The engine stopped working, and I had to get it towed there. I guess my cars pretty old and junky, and I should probably get a new one, but it's my baby, and it's gotten me through some pretty tough times.

I could feel the glares of two girls on the back of my head, and I already knew it was Tiffany and Ashley. They're just your average stereotypical cheerleaders. Dumb, blonde, and perfect. That is, to most people. But to me, they're far from perfect.

Ignoring their glares, I continued on with my work, until I felt the seat shift beside me. I looked up, and noticed that it was one of the star football players, and automatically looked back down. It was probably best not to talk to him.

Turning towards the window and ignoring him, I noticed that it was actually sunny outside. We'd had a pretty rough winter, and it was finally clearing up.

Suddenly, I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and immediately turned to see "football guy" looking at me. I pulled out my earphones, interrupting Nickelback, one of my favorite guy bands.

"Hi?" I said, making it sound like a question. After finally getting a good look at him, I noticed that he was not just any football player, but the one and only, Matthew Striker. All the cheerleaders talk about him, how hot he is, or how smart he is.

It's understandable though. He's gorgeous. Dark brown hair, with piercing blue eyes. A muscular body, that stands to be about 6 ft. tall. Nice tan skin, and pearly white teeth.

"Do you need help?" He asked, gesturing towards my geometry textbook. "I did the same homework last night."

I was a little shocked, and for a second had no response. "Um," I finally stuttered, making him smile. "I'm almost finished."

"Well, if you want, I could check your answers. See if we got the same ones."

I grinned. "You need help don't you?"

He laughs. "No. I'm actually one of Ms. Bennett's best students." He grabs his plain black backpack and pulls out the same geometry book as me.

"Really?" I ask, not at all believing him. "Because I happen to be one of her best students, too."

"I know. We do have 4 classes together."

"We do?" I questioned him. I thought I would've noticed that.


I look away, feeling stupid for not noticing him of all people, when he was in four of my classes.

"So, um," he stutters, just trying to make small talk. I was actually surprised. I never imagined a guy like him could stutter. "You don't usually ride the bus, right?"

"My car's in the shop," I told him, looking down and playing with my fingers. I'm not too good at talking to strangers, especially when they're gorgeous like him.


"You don't have a car?" I ask in disbelief. There's no way he rides the bus every day. Just one is torture.

"I have a car," he tells me, grinning a one in a million smile. "But if I drive it every day, all the girls want a ride home. And there's only five seats."

I roll my eyes. Of course he's just the same as all other guys. All they care about is girls and cars. Way to get your hope up, Annabelle.

"You've never asked me for a ride before," he states as if I should actually want one.

"I have my own car."

"So," he says.

"So, I don't need a ride. I can drive myself home."

He shrugs. "Suit yourself."

When the bus ride was over, I hopped up, pulling my bag and flute with me. Yes, I'm a band geek. And who the hell cares? Certainly not me.

"See you in geometry," Matthew said, waving a goodbye before disappearing out of my sight.

"See you," I muttered to myself.

I met up with Demi and Melissa in the cafeteria. The two of them were sitting at one of the tables, Demi eating an apple, and Melissa staring off in space.

Melissa and Demi are two of my best friends. I've known Demi since we were in Elementary school. Her and my mom met at a Yoga Class about 13 years ago, and are now the best of friends. We met Melissa in Middle School, and the three of us have been inseparable ever since.

Demi's tall with black curly hair, and pretty brown eyes. Melissa has straight red hair, with sparkly green eyes. Both of them have boyfriends. Brian and Tyler, two of the best guys you could ever meet. They're both from the Basketball team, which obviously means that they are pretty tall. Both of them play the position of a Guard.

"BOO!" I yelled, scaring the both of them and making Demi drop her apple.

"You butthead!" Demi screams, then gets up and starts chasing me around the whole cafeteria, threatening me with a tube of black lipstick. I honestly hate that stuff. It looks so stupid and poser-ish, it makes me wanna barf.

"No!" I squeal, accidently running into someone in the process. Whoever it was, I knocked them over. I looked down, hoping and praying that it wasn't one of the un-cool teachers. They really are tattle tales.

There, lying on the tile floor, was Matthew Striker. "I'm so, so sorry," I told him, holding out my hand and helping him up. His whole group of friends was around him, including Ashley and Tiffany. Remind me again why guys like them?

"It's okay," he says, dusting off his pants and smiling down at me. His smile was so genuine, that for a second, I actually forgot that he was a total player.

"No, it's not," Tiffany sneers, latching herself onto Matt. Her outfit consisted of a pair of short jean shorts, and a skimpy little spaghetti strap tanktop. I seriously hope she gets in trouble for that...

"No, it's fine." Matt assures me. "It was just an accident."

"Yeah. Um, bye!" I wave at all of them a little awkwardly, and run back to a laughing Demi.

"It's not funny!"

"You should've seen the look on your face, Annie!" She chuckles.

"Was it embaressed or shocked?" I ask sarcastically.

"It was a little bit of both." She tells me, then yells, "BRIAN!!!," at the top of her lungs. Yes, Demi is a very happy person.

Demi runs into Brian's arms, and tackles him with kisses. I look over to see Melissa, doing the same with Tyler. I sigh. I'm all alone for the moment.

"Relationship troubles?" My most favorite voice asks from behind me.

"Josh!" I throw myself into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. Josh is my all time best friend. His parents have always been good friends, so we've pretty much known each other for our whole lives.

"Hey," he laughs, patting my back.

"I missed you."

"I saw you last Friday."

"Yeah," I say.

"It's Monday."

"So!" I yell, pulling him over to a lunch table.

He chuckles. "How was your date with Aly?" I ask.

He shrugs. "It was alright, I guess."

After the other four are done with whatever they were doing, we all head off to class, where my first period just happens to be Geometry.

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