12.Confessions of a Teenage Rebel-Brownies and Babies

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I am very excited to write this chapter! I don't know why. I guess it's because I miss when Matt and Anna were sweet to each other. Yeah, I felt like writing another chapter tonight! I hope you guys like it. I know I enjoyed writing this one.....

12. Brownies and Babies

Confession #12: The Grocery Store is my secret hide-out.

Ethan's visit had tugged my spirits up. I'd felt sad and depressed, and as soon as we got talking, I felt happier. It really was too bad that he was moving away. We'd exchanged phone numbers so that we could keep in touch while he was off at College.

I decided to go to the grocery store. I was in dire need of some good chocolate chip cookies. The ones I'd attempted to make ended up as little blobs instead of cookies.

The local grocery store was only a ten minute walk from my house. I went there all the time. Sometimes to get away from my parents, and sometimes just to get out of the house. Cool hideout, I know.

At the store, while I was deciding on which cookies to get, I saw a familiar shade of blonde hair. "Dustin?" I asked, making the big, burly blonde haired boy look over at me.

Dustin was one of Matt's best friends. From what I could remember, they'd been tight since Elementary school. Dustin always seemed like one of his nicer friends. And he wasn't even dating a cheerleader. He was going out with Marie Clemington, the school's smartest, most highest achiever of the school. It was a weird pairing, but they seemed absolutely perfect for each other.

"Annabelle?" He asks, a sly smile spreading across his lips. "I heard you talked to Matt again." He takes a few steps towards me.

I shyly smile back. "Yeah, I did. And actually, I kind of want to apologize to him."

"So you don't think he's stalking you anymore?" He asks sarcastically.

"He told you about that?"

"We're best friends," he tells me. "We tell each other everything."

"Oh." I wanted to ask Dustin for Matt's phone number, but then again Dustin probably didn't like me right now.

"I'm sure he would love an apology," he says. "But don't call him. He'd much rather get one face to face."

My eyebrows crease. "I don't know where he lives."

"1576 Crestview Blvd. Don't tell him I told you. Oh, and please don't stalk him now." He chuckles.

I laugh as best as I can, even though I don't think that this is something I want to joke about. "I'll try my best."

We both said our goodbyes. I was suddenly so anxious to talk to Matt, that I forgot about the cookies, and I took off jogging towards Crestview Blvd.

It was only a few blocks away from my street. I had never actually expected him to live so close to me.

His house was a two story, cream colored house, with a small green lawn and steps in front. The steps led up to a porch, and the door. I walked up, and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later a bright red haired woman opened the door.

"Hello," she greeted warmly, her smile bright and beautiful.

"Um, hi," I said shyly. "Is Matt here?"

"He should be back in about ten minutes. He said he was going to look for some girl who worked at the Diner."

I blushed, and pointed a finger at me. "Your Annabelle?" She asks, her face warming with excitement. "I thought I would never be able to meet you! Come in, please." She ushered me in, and I was immediately hit with the smell of warm, chocolate baked brownies.

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