21.Confessions of a Teenage Rebel-Too Much to Tell

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21. Too Much to Tell

Confession #21: I hate having to confess.

"I-I'm so, so sorry for barging in," I choke out between my sobs. My fingers are grasping tightly to Matt, searching for physical redemption.

Matt holds me tight and whispers "It's okay. Let's just get out of here." He reaches for the door handle, but I quickly stop him.

"No!" I almost scream. "I can't. He's out there." I plead him with my eyes.

He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the stairs leading to his room. My eyes are blurred with tears, so it's hard for me to see his family, but I glance at them for a few seconds. I know that they're all obviously staring at me.

Once we get to Matt's room he sits me down on his bed and pulls me into his arms. I silently cry into his chest. "Shhh," he coos me, softly stroking my dark brown hair. "You're safe now, Annie." His words comfort me, but it's just so hard to believe. No matter where I go, my stalker knows where I am. He knows everything.

Matt lets me cry for a few more minutes, no interruptions, until there is a light knock at the door. "Matt, Anna, can I come in, please?" Matt's mother asks from the other side, her sweet voice leaking to our side of the door.

Matt looks at me for reassurance, and I quickly nod and softly say "Yeah. Come in." She opens the door and is surprised to see that I'm not going into hysterics anymore. I've actually quieted down quite a bit.

"Anna," she says to me after sitting down. She takes my hand in hers. "I need you to tell me exactly what happened tonight."

"Um..." I stutter. "I fell asleep on the couch after getting home from work and talking to Matt on the phone. I thought I heard a boom when I woke up, and I was being paranoid, so I grabbed a knife and went upstairs." I stop and take a breath. "My room was lit up with candles, and my bed was covered with rose petals. There was a picture of me sleeping. I freaked out, dropped the knife and ran all the way here."

"Did you see a face?" She asked me quickly, edging a little bit closer.

When she says that, I start to feel ashamed. I had the perfect opportunity to finally find out whose been doing this to me, and I wasted it. "No. I was too scared to look back."

Matt and his Mom share a knowing look that I can't decode. Curiosity burns within me until Matt says "I think it's time we call the cops."

I gulp and whisper "I think you're right."

OKAY! DON'T HATE ME PLEASE! I know I haven't updated in FOREVER, and I know this is really short, but atleast I updated, right? :D Forgive me!!! I don't really know what happened...I used to update frequently...ish. Anyways, sorry its so short. Love you all! Sorry for taking so much time!

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