"Be my girlfriend?" " No."

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When I arrived at Sam's room what I saw was definitely not what I expected

She was on her bed, dressed in that horrible hospital blue gown-thing, with tubes hooked into her arms. Except she wasn't actually lying in bed like any normal person who had just gotten out of surgery would be.

Sam was on her bed, crouching over a nurse, her fist balled up in the air ready to throw a punch. The nurse had a horrified look on her face and there were like 3 doctors around her trying to hold her back but they all looked pretty scared as well.  The nurse that accompanied us to the room face palmed herself then went ahead to help the doctors hold Sam back

" what the heck is going on?" Said Dave walking up to Sam's bed

" She has been acting very aggressive ever since she woke up, she went all crazy on us when we tried to give her the sedative" the nurse that came in with us said in an exasperated voice

" Don't call me crazy, woman! You were the ones trying to inject me with that big ass needle when I have made it clear -more than once - that I am not  having any pointy things enter my body" Sam said turning back to the nurse, having apparently heard her

" Sam please get off of the poor lady!" Sarah said in an exasperated tone

" yeah please do" said the nurse that was being squished under Sam

" Fine but if you even think about getting that needle anywhere near me I'm going to take some serious action, nurse" Said Sam in a  warning tone. When the nurse nodded frantically Sam got off of her and the nurse took off running out of the room

" Samantha are you crazy!" Sarah said  in a strict tone even though she was clearly amused

" well, we are leaving you guys to it. Please get her to calm down" one of the doctors said, obviously still shaken a little from Sam's outburst. And then all the doctors left leaving only Sarah, Dave and I in the room with sam

" i know I'm supposed to be angry with you right now, and I am, but before we start the boring lecture, I just want to say; That's my girl" Dave said with a broad grin on his face then High fived Sam who was smiling back

" Dave, stop. That was not very nice behavior of you Sam. But we're going to talk about that later. For now, I'm just so glad you're okay" Sarah said walking up to Sam and kissing her temple

" i know right? I would have been so pissed off at myself if i had actually died because of that twat" Sam said with a proud smile

" Language, but yeah I agree" Dave said

That's when I ran up to Sam and hugged the shit out of her

" you scared me you asshole" i said burying my face into her neck

" i have a feeling that if we stay around we are going to have to be annoying and comment about the language alot, so we're going to go let Sofie know you're okay" Dave said with a kind smile then left the room along with Sarah

" So, what happened while I was out" Sam asked me laying down completely

" the police talked to sofie and they're not letting Jared out of here until they are done with the investigation about the sexual harassment, you and Max are in a  little bit of trouble for having guns without a permit though" i said trying to keep it short

" and how is Sofie doing" She asked me

" She's doing well, i think Max being here is lighting her mood up for her a little" i said with a wink

" what do you mean?" Sam asked me with an adorable confused face

" i think she likes him" i said simply

" oh my god, ew, no!" She said disgustingly

" why? I'd totally ship it " i replied

" that is literally my two siblings liking eachother right there, oh god" she said with a face palm and I slowly reached for her hand and pulled it away from her face.

" Sam will you please be my girlfriend?" I asked her looking deep into her eyes, forgetting about the topic at hand

I don't know what brought this on but damn do i want her to be mine! I just want to get to kiss her whenever I want and hold her and actually have her for myself. There is no denying that I do have very strong feelings for Sam. And I think I have finally realized that when she was hurt at Jared's house and when she was having her surgery. I know now that this is not just a crush anymore. And I honestly cannot keep my feelings to myself any longer. I want her, and the whole world, to know how I'm feeling.

" holy shit, no!" Sam whined and once I realized that that  was her answer i felt my heart drop like it never has before.


I know I have taken forever to update and im terribly sorry but my job has been crazy lately and I barely even get any sleep.

Anyway, before you start hating me for Sam's answer, just wait for the next chapter. Which will be up soon, I won't take that long to update again, I promise

Until then, Adios


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