She didn't make it.

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Lauren's POV

You know In those movies when someone is falling or getting shot and everything goes in slow motion? The person falls slowly to the ground and people around them get in this kind of frenzy by yelling but you only get to hear the noise like it's coming from a place far away and then suddenly everything speeds up?

Well that's exactly what it felt like to me when Jared yelled out of pain clutching onto his shot leg, Sam fell into a leap on the ground, And max came running towards her.

But I was frozen yet again. I didn't know how to move. All I could do was stare at whats happening infront of me

" Lauren get you ass up here and help me, she's bleeding" Max said in a frantic voice. Thank god that snapped me back to my senses because it honestly felt like I was going to just stay there frozen for the next couple of hours.

I rushed to Sam and Max to find Sam bleeding indeed. The back of her head had a gash in it that was pouring out blood. I searched for a pulse and thank the Lord i did find it. She was alive but I had a feeling we should move fast before it's too late.

I acted on instinct and got my phone out to call 911. While I noticed max taking his shirt off, tearing it off and trying to tie it around the scary cut

" i need help. My girlfriend has a cut the size of California in her head and it's bleeding! PLEASE!" I yelled frantically into the phone. The woman on the other side just told me to calm down and tell her where I was

" 123 someUnknownStreet" i said into the phone

" paramedics will be there in 10 minutes. " She replied and I just threw my phone onto the ground in frustration

" are they coming?" Max asked me from his position on the floor.

" the woman said 10 minutes" i replied trying to keep my tears from flooding the place. I just walked up to max and Sam and sat on the floor as well taking her hand in mine and stroking the back of It softly

" why didn't you tell them about me too?! I'm dying here" Came the voice of the ultimate asshole

" oh fuck you. You don't even deserve to live anymore. But I'm guessing spending a good period of time in Jail would be enough to satisfy me" i replied harshly

" do you think she'd make it?" Max asked me with such a small scared voice it almost broke my heart. I took his hand in my free one to comfort him

" you're the one who said that Sam was a strong ass girl. She wouldn't let this break her. Don't worry max. " i tried comforting him but honestly I was trying to convince myself as well. Because damn it I was so worried.

We spent a couple of minutes in complete silence then a low grunt was heard. I looked at Sam to find her still out cold. I then looked at Jared but he was actually looking around trying to find the source of the sound aswell so it couldn't have been him.

This house Is weird as fuck

We then heard a scrunching sound, we all looked back to find the black bag that Jared was stuffing something in moving slightly

" Holy fuck. She's dead. You can't move if you're dead!" Jared said in a slightly scared voice.

Not so tough now, are we big boy?

Yet another grunt was heard and then the girl's head appeared out of the bag and she seemed to be gasping for breath

" oh great, just great" Max mumbled under his breath

" that's it. I am never, ever,in my life, having sex again" the girl said while trying to free herself from the bag

while she was trying to get out she let out a loud scream of pain which actually had me cringing

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