What the fuck Sofie?!

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" Are you fucking crazy?!" i yelled once the car came to a complete stop. " what was that for we could have died" i said rubbing my slighly hurting forehead from colliding with the glove compartment

Sam didn't even reply to me. she just motioned her hand to silence me and got out of the car slowly

i followed her out of the car trying to find out why she was acting so weird. when I opened my mouth to ask what's wrong she put the palm of her hand on my mouth softly and shook her head indicating that she wants me to stay quiet.

I nodded with a confused expression and she removed her hand and started walking slowly towards the parked car. I followed closely behind still trying to figure out what's making her act so crazy.

she tried to discreetly sneak a peak into the window of the back seat, and once she did her eyes widened and I stole a glance at her face to find her face completely consumed with anger. i gave her a confused look and noticed her arms were balled into fists.

In a matter of a second she jerked the back door of the car open and pulled someone out of it. I just stood there frozen not understanding a thing that's going on.

The person she pulled out was a guy who had his back to me but he looked familiar. i was just too shocked to even think straight right now.

Sam punched the guy's nose and I heard him groaning in pain. then she kneed him in his weewee and he fell rolling on the floor. 

that's when I got a good look of his face. that's Jared. Sofie's boyfriend. what I don't get though is why Sam is giving the poor guy a beat down

Sam's POV

once I was certain that the asshole was in too much pain to get up,  I turned my attention back to the car. more specifically i turned my attention back to who is in the car.


She was lying on the back seat, sobbing, only in her bra and her hair was a mess. It wasn't hard to figure out what was happening in that car before we came here.

The moment I looked into the window of the car and found sofie laying underneath asshole boyfriend with tears streaming down her face wearing a disgusted look while he was violating her neck with his disgusting sloppy boy tongue i knew what was going on.

I took my jacket off and handed it to sofie to wear without saying a word. she put it on and wiped her face with the back of her hand and started getting out of the car. I turned around to find Asshole J holding Lauren with a hand clamped over her mouth making it impossible for her to scream

" Leave Sofie behind and get into your car and drive or else" Jared said in a tone that was supposed to be threatening.

" Get your dirty hands off of her" i Said looking at him with a disgusted look and pushing Sofie behind my back softly

" i can't do that princess, leave my girlfriend behind and get back to where ever the fuck you came from or else you're going to regret it" He said with a an evil glint in his eyes

" oh fuck no" i said walking up to him. He looked shocked for a second. probably because he wasn't expecting me to not give a shit about his stupid threats.

i jerked Lauren by her hand away from him and she instantly stood behind me for protection and punshed the shit out of that guy's already bleeding nose. pretty sure it's broken now


i kneed him in the stomach and she tumbled on the ground in pain.

I led Lauren and Sofie back to the car and started driving back. none of us said a word for a while. but Lauren soon cracked

" What the fuck Sofie?" i said with a slighly raised voice turning around in her seat to look at Sofie who was in the back seat

" Please don't do this now Sam" Sofie said in a small voice. she looked and sounded so fragile, so broken. which, by the way, made me want to turn around and go back to Jared to chop his fucking balls off

" Are you fucking kidding me?" Lauren said in a very pissed off tone.

i was angry aswell but not for the same reason Lauren was angry and that's totally understandable.

she's her bestfriend. The reason she was pissed was because keeping something like the fact that your boyfriend is a freaking abusive asshole was huge.

The reason I was pissed was completely different. I'm pissed at Jared for doing that to my soon discovered sister. I know she just found this out a few weeks ago so the fact that she wouldn't trust me enough to tell me something as huge as this was understandable.  but she's my twin. which explains how protective i feel of her. even if i just found this out. nobody,  and I mean nobody , lays a hand on a sibling of mine.

let alone rape my twin

by the time we were almost pulling up infront of the Adam's place i already had a very brutal plan in my head of how I was going to make Jared pay for what he did.

I parked the car and we got out. Sofie headed to her room without saying a word. Lauren looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment.

Sarah Came put of the kitchen asking us why we were home so early. but i guess she sensed that something was wrong by how sofie rushed to her room and the look on lauren and I 's faces

" what happened?" she asked cautiously eyeing me and Lauren.

Lauren stared at her for a moment then cleared her throat

" um nothing. we ran into sofie and she asked us to bring her back home because she wanted to sleep so we brought her back here and we'll leave again i just need to get something I forgot from upstairs and we'll be on our way" Lauren said all in one breath and before I knew it she was rushing upstairs. leaving me to answer the questions Sarah had. which I bet were a lot because there's no doubt she didn't buy that bullshit story lauren told her.

fuck me.

" you know that I know that what lauren said is complete crap right?" Sarah asked me getting closer to me. It was obvious that she was even more worried after Lauren's poor excuse of a lie but she still had the trademark kind smile of hers

" um, I'm not sure it's my place to tell you sarah" i said scratching the back of my neck.  Which made her sigh

" i get that, but could you atleast please tell me if my daughter is alright or not?" She said placing a hand on my shoulder. silently telling me that it was okay to tell her.

" She is now. You don't have to worry Sarah.  I'm going to take care of her and of whatever happened" i said smiling softly at her.

" Sam!!" Lauren's frantic voice yelled my name from upstairs. Sarah mirrored my wide eyed expression.

we both rushed upstairs and to Sofie's room. because Lauren's tone of voice made it very clear that something was horribly wrong with sofie

the door was already wide open when we arrived upstairs. Sarah rushed inside while it took me a moment to get my feet to move me inside the room.

I walked in to find Lauren with a frightened look on her face, while Sarah just stood there wide eyed and frozen.

i slowly started looking towards Sofie's bed to see something that almost made me sick.

Holy shit

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