"Dude, she looks like your mom."

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After lunch, which i spent freaking out because after Avery i swore on my life that I would never get involved with cheerleaders again.

I know that's stupid. and I know that I shouldn't judge them all because of something one cheerleader did. but it's just what happened. I even get uncomfortable whenever I see someone dressed in a cheerleading uniform. it's weird but I can't control it.

anyway, after lunch we headed to classes, turns out I have 3 classes with lauren and 2 with Sofie.

they're cool and I guess we were almost friends since they invited us to sit with them at lunch, asked me to sit next to them in classes we had together, and asked me if I wanted to hang out after school.

that's a good thing, that I made friends on the first day of school but it's just not the crowd I'm used to hanging around with. back home my friends were all, well, not cheerleaders and volleyball players. but it was good kind of different, I guess. It's about time I got over what cheerleader Avery did.

" dude Jenna is so hot!" max said driving us home

" yeah she's pretty" i said not really interested.

because, wait for it.. i have lauren on my mind.

I don't know why, I haven't thought about someone for more than 2 and a half minutes for a long while. unless I was planning a way to prank them or something.

" why do you seem out of it?" max asked me probably sensing my lack of interest in whatever he was saying.

max and I always were interested in whatever the other was saying, probably because we had the same interests. except cars. He was crazy about cars while I wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between a Toyota and a Lamburgini.

" I'm not out of it" i said facing him

" yeah because I just met you yesterday and I don't know how to read you like a children's book" he said sarcastically

" really, I'm fine, hey you want to hang out with sofie and her group after school? they asked me if I wanted to hang out and told me to ask you too" i said trying to change the subject, which didn't fool max because he gave me a knowing look but thankfully decided to let it slip

" is jenna going to be there" he asked me with a grin.

no matter how badass and masculine Max looked, his grin as always been the cutest thing ever. He looked like a 5 year old boy getting candy, and it made me smile a little

" yes max, she's going to be there" i said chuckling

" well I'm goin'" he said throwing his fist in the air.

" awe little max has a crush" i said in a baby voice pinching his cheek, he rubbed his cheek flipping me the bird. i just looked the other way shaking my head in amusement


Lauren's pov

" is she goin to come? sofie did she tell you she was going to come?" i asked sofie pouncing up and down on her bed.

" yes Lauren! she said she was going to be here at about 4. then we're going to pick jenna and Jared up and go to the pier" she said scrolling on her phone

i had a feeling she wasn't fine. i mean I've known this girl ever since we were 7. i know when she's trying to act fine or when she's hiding something.

" what's bothering you?" i asked my best friend who was still staring at her phone

" what do you mean? nothing is bothering me" she replied still not looking up

i walked over to her and snatched her phone out of her hand

" hey!" she yelled throwing her hands in the air

" I'm not giving it back until you tell me what's bothering you" i told her locking the phone and slipping it into my back pocket. she sighed and didn't argue about it. because she knows that I would not let this go until she told me what's wrong. she knows I care about her. She knows she's a sister to me and she also knows damn well that I will not sit around knowing something is bothering her and not do anything about it

" Jared has just been acting a little weird lately" she said not looking me in the eyes. which tells me that that's not just it.  something else is bothering her

" weird how?" i asked

"he has just getting really pissed off over stupid things and being super snappy" she said shrugging her shoulder

" and what else, I know something else is bothering you because-" i was cut off by her phone vibrating in my back pocket

she sighed and put her hand out for me to hand her her phone.  I took it out and had a little fangirl moment when I saw that there was a new text message from 'Samantha woods' i handed her the phone and once she saw who it was she winked at me

" she wants to know where to meet us" sofie said after reading the text

" text her your address then" i said a little too excited

the phone peeped again signaling a new text message

" cool, be there in 10" sofie read the text out loud

i did a little happy dance in my head. I mean it's not a secret that I like girls, and ever since she winked at me in class I've been getting butterflies whenever she'd look at me or smile or accidently touch me. It's weird but I like it. I haven't had a 'crush' in forever. and I've really missed the feeling.

exactly 10 minutes later the door bell rang. and we got up and walked downstairs

Sam's POV. 

I rang the door bell of sofie's house and the door opened seconds later.

The person who opened the door was a woman who couldn't be older than 40. what was weird though is, she looked like an older version of me. we had the exact same eyes, the same hair color. and she was a little short too.

she stared at me for a moment saying nothing then we heard footsteps. The woman looked behind her then cleared her throat

" hi sweetie you must be Samantha,  come in" she said a little awkwardly but I stepped in nonetheless

this was one big ass house. almost as big as mine. I stood next to who I'm guessing is sofie's mom and heard lauren whisper " she looks a lot like your mom, I never noticed" to sofie

i cleared my throat to stop sofie and Lauren from looking back and forth between the woman and me and they snapped out of it, thankfully

" let's go guys" Sofie said yelling a goodbye to her mom and walking out the door with me and lauren following behind


boring chapter, I knoww, but things are going to start getting heated probably by the next chapter

let me know if you're reading this or of you like it, because I honestly don't know if i should continue it or not.

okay if you're reading this i love you, and thank youu!


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